

Stalker, derived from 'stalking' ("following" or "hunting") may refer to:


* Stalking, obsessively following or constantly observing another person
* "Roadside Picnic", a.k.a. "Stalker", a 1972 novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
* "Stalker (novel)", a novel partly based on "Roadside Picnic"
* "Stalker (song)", a song by The Bogrolls
*Stalker (goldfinger song) is also the name of a song by Goldfinger (band)
* "Stalker (film)", a 1979 film by Andrei Tarkovsky, based on the novel "Roadside Picnic"
* "Stalker (album)", a 1995 dark ambient album by Lustmord & Robert Rich, inspired by the film
* "Stalker (CSI episode)", an episode of the "" TV series
* "Castle Stalker" in Scotland (UK)

In computer games

* 'Ghoststalker', an infantry unit found in the gaming series, ""
* "", a first-person shooter based on "Roadside Picnic" (see above)
**In game referred to Stalker as Scavenger; Trespasser; Adventurer; Loner; Killer; Explorer; Robber.
* ', a prequel to '
*'Stalker', a character archetype in the City of Villains MMO computer game
*'Stalker', a type of mobile unit in Starcraft 2 real-time strategy computer game
* Stalkers, trans-human Combine slaves in the " Half-Life 2 " computer game
*Stalkers, a 2-2 class job in the MMORPG Ragnarok Online
*Stalker Entertainment, a computer game company, developer of Wolfenstein 3D for GBA



* John Stalker, Former Manchester Police Chief
* Barry Windham, a.k.a. 'The Stalker', ring name used as professional wrestler


* Stalker (G.I. Joe), a character in the 'G.I. Joe' toy universe.
* Stalker (Philip Reeve), armoured cyborgs in several of Philip Reeve's novels
* Stalker (comics), a character from a short-lived DC 'sword & sorcery' comic.
* Stalker (Batman Beyond), a supervillain from the Batman Beyond Animated Series.
* Stalker (Gundam), a character from the anime series Mobile Fighter G Gundam.

ee also

* Stalking (disambiguation)

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