- Sart (disambiguation)
"Sart" may refer to:
Sart - a name for some inhabitants of Central Asia ::SartKalmykia - "Sart Kalmyks.":Sart festivals - seeThetsagan Sart Acronym
* SART - professional stage company [www.sartheatre.com/]
* S.A.R.T.Search and Rescue Transponder
* SART - Sexual Assault Response Teams [www.sane-sart.com/]
* SART - Sickness Absence Recording Tool [www.iom-world.org/sicknessabsence/]
* SART - Society forassisted reproductive technology (ART) in the United States. [www.sart.org]
* SART - State Agricultural Response Team:Florida SART - Florida State Agricultural Response Team (FLSART) [www.flsart.org/]
* SART - State Animal Response Teams public private partnership [sartusa.org/] :Colorado SART - Colorado State Animal Response Team [www.cosart.org/] :Pennsylvania SART - State Animal Response Team [sart.cas.psu.edu/]
* SArt - Sergey's Art ( [http://up-sart.com Private Artistic Design Unitary Plant SArt] ), the company created by [http://sergey.lapsha.net Sergey Lapsha] .
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