- Bundesautobahn 40
BAB intro|40, (named A 430 until the early 1990s) is one of the most frequented
Autobahns inGermany . It crosses the Dutch-German border as a continuation of the Dutch A67, crossing theRhine , leading through theRuhr valley towardBochum , then becomes B 1 (Bundesstraße 1 ) at the KreuzDortmund -West and eventually merges into the A 44 nearHolzwickede .It has officially been named "Ruhrschnellweg" (Ruhr fast way), but locals usually call it "Ruhrschleichweg" (Ruhr crawling way) or simply "the Ruhr area's longest parking lot".
In the city of
Essen , aStadtbahn service operates on the median of the A 40 between the Tunnel Ruhrschnellweg and Mülheim-Heißen. Between the junctions Essen-Huttrop and Essen-Kray there is aSpurbus guided bus system.Exit list
Netherlands "
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