Bird species new to science described in the 1980s

Bird species new to science described in the 1980s


:"See also parent article Bird species new to science"

The following are the bird species described as new to science in the years 1980 to 1989:


:"To be completed"


* Chubut Steamerduck, "Tachyeres leucocephalus"
* Okinawa Rail, "Gallirallus okinawae"
* Yellow-footed Honeyguide, "Melignomon eisentrauti"

:"To be completed"


* "Mirafra ashi"
* "Malurus campbelli"
* "Ploceus ruweti"
* "Vidua raricola"
* "Vidua larvaticola"

:"To be completed"


* Amsterdam Albatross, "Diomedea amsterdamensis"
* "Glaucidium albertinum"
* "Cichloris llaneae"
* "Gerygone ruficauda"
* "Nectarinia rufipennis"
* "Meliphaga hindwoodi"

:"To be completed"


* "Batis occultus"

:"To be completed"


* Red Sea Swallow, "Hirundo perdita"
* "Phyllastrephus leucolepsis"

:"To be completed"


* Ash-throated Antwren, "Herpsilochmus parkeri"
* "Ploceus victoriae"

:"To be completed"


* "Cettia carolinae"

:"To be completed"


:"To be completed"


:"To be completed"

Described in this period, no longer thought to be good species

* Cox's Sandpiper, "Calidris paramelanotos", now known to be a stereotyped hybrid between males of the Pectoral Sandpiper and female Curlew Sandpipers.:Parker, Shane A. (1982): A new sandpiper of the genus "Calidris". "South Australian Naturalist" 56: 63.:Christidis, Les; Davies, Kizanne; Westerman, Michael; Christian, Peter D. & Schodde, Richard (1996): Molecular assessment of the taxonomic status of Cox's Sandpiper. "Condor" 98(3): 459-463. [ PDF fulltext]

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