STL may refer to:

;In communications:
*Standard telegraph level
*Studio/transmitter link

;In the economics:
*Software Technologies Laboratory, a private company in Blacksburg, Virginia; originally part of Virginia Tech
*Standard Telecommunication Laboratories, the research laboratory of Standard Telephones and Cables, where pioneering work on fibre optics was done.
*STL Group plc, a property search company based in the UK.

;In education:
*St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School, located in Richmond Hill, ON, Canada

;In geography:
*St. Louis, Missouri, USA

;In religion:
*Licentiate of Sacred Theology
*The Society For Truth And Light, a Christian conservative group in Hong Kong

;In software:
*Standard Template Library (for C++)
*State logic, a PLC programming language
*Statement List, a PLC (family by Siemens) programming language
*STL (file format), a file format used to represent 3D CAD models in stereolithography and other solid freeform fabrication technologies

;In sports:
**The St. Louis Cardinals baseball franchise in the MLB
**The St. Louis Rams football franchise in the NFL
**The St. Louis Blues hockey franchise in the NHL

;In transportation:
*Lambert-St. Louis International Airport (IATA airport code: STL)
*Société de transport de Laval, public transit in Laval, QC Canada
*Réseau de transport de Longueuil, sometimes erroneously called the Societe de transport de Longueuil, or STL

;Other meanings:
*Slime Time Live, a television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000 to 2003
*Standard Tessellation Language

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