Harry D. Rabbit

Harry D. Rabbit

Harry D. Rabbit is a character that appears in "Harry and the Haunted House" by Mark Schlichting.


:Harry D. Rabbit: Harry is an anthropomorphic rabbit wearing a red and white striped shirt, blue pants, and a baseball cap. He loses his hat inside the house.:Earl Earwax: Earl is another anthropomorphic rabbit wearing a green shirt with a yellow star.:Stinky: Stinky is an anthropomorphic skunk wearing a yellow shirt and orange pants.:Amy Fourpaws: Amy is an anthropomorphic tiger wearing a pink shirt and blue overalls.:Spot: Spot is a dog wearing a collar.


:Haunted House: The haunted house is located behind the gate.:Yard: The yard is a front yard the children play baseball.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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