Robin Hunter

Robin Hunter

Robin Ian Hunter (4 September 1929 – 8 March 2004) was a British actor, who was also a skilled and versatile performer and writer in the field of musicals, music hall and comedy.

The son of actor Ian Hunter, he made film and television appearances from the 1950s to the '90s, which included "Up Pompeii", the "Carry On"s, "Sherlock Holmes" and "Poirot".

Musicals in which he performed included "Damn Yankees", and the scripts he wrote himself were of a comedic turn - such as "Botome's Dream" (produced in Brighton) in which Shakespeare is put on trial for plagiarism, and "Aladdin & His Microsoft Compatible Floppy Drive Laptop" (performed at the Arches Theatre, Southwark).

For many years he and his partner Aline Waites - herself an actress, playwright and critic - collaborated on scripts for plays, revues and musical theatre of all kinds. Their "Illustrated Victorian Songbook" was published by Michael Joseph in 1984.

Appearances in West End theatre included male lead in "Barefoot in the Park", and juvenile lead in "The Pleasure of his Company".

He died in Camden, London, aged 74. [ [ Deaths England and Wales 1984-2006] ]


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