FV Alaska Ranger

FV Alaska Ranger

FV "Alaska Ranger" was a fishing Factory ship owned and operated by the Fishing Company of Alaska of Seattle, Washington. The ship was constructed in 1973 for use as an oil field service vessel. The ship sank March 23, 2008 after reporting progressive flooding only hours earlier. 5 crew members died and 42 were rescued after abandoning ship. 20 crew members were rescued by USCG HH-60 Jayhawk helicopters working with USCGC "Munro" and 22 were rescued by "Alaska Ranger"’s sister ship FV "Alaska Warrior". [ [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2004306612_alaskaranger26.html Key sinking issue: why water spread] . Seattle Times. March 26, 2008.] The ship sank 120 miles west of Dutch Harbor. [ [http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20080324&slug=fishingboat24m Ship sinks at sea; 4 dead, 1 lost] . Seattle Times. March 24, 2008.]


*Infobox, [http://cgmix.uscg.mil/PSIX/PSIXDetails.aspx?VesselID=47611 USCG Port State Information eXchange (PSIX)]

External links

* [http://cgvi.uscg.mil/media/main.php?g2_itemId=243438 USCG video of rescue]
* [http://cgvi.uscg.mil/media/main.php?g2_itemId=242188 USCG audio of distress calls]

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