MCF-7 is a breast cancer cell line was isolated in 1970 from a 69-year-old Caucasian woman.

In the first of two mastectomies she receivedcite journal | author = Dickson RB, Bates SE, McManaway ME, Lippman ME | title = Characterization of estrogen responsive transforming activity in human breast cancer cell lines. | journal = Cancer Res | volume = 46 | issue | 4 Pt 1 | pages = 1707-13 | year = 1986 | pmid = 2418952 | doi = | url= | issn = ] the removed tissue was benign, but five years later at her second operation a malignant adenocarcinoma was found ] . Over the next three years the woman was treated for local recurrences by radiotherapy and hormonotherapy ] . During the removal of chest wall nodules, a pleural effusion was discovered, from which the MCF-7 cell line was derived in 1970 ] . This cell line retained several characteristics of differentiated mammary epithelium including the ability to process estradiol via cytoplasmic estrogen receptors and the capability of forming domes. This cell line expresses the oncogene Wnt7Bcite journal | author = Huguet EL, McMahon JA, McMahon AP, Bicknell R, Harris AL. | title = Differential expression of human Wnt genes 2, 3, 4, and 7B in human breast cell lines and normal and disease states of human breast tissue. | journal = Cancer Res | volume = 54 | issue = 10 | pages = 2615-21 | year = 1994 | pmid = 8168088 | doi = | url = | issn = ] .

Originally the karyotype of MCF-7 cells was described of possessing 85 chromosomes ] around 220 passages later a reduction to 69 had occurredcite journal | authors = Osborne CK, Hobbs K, Trent JM. | title = Biological differences among MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines from different laboratories. | journal = Breast Cancer Res Treat | volume = 9 | issue = 2 | pages = 111-21 | year= 1987 | pmid = 3620713 | doi = | url = | issn = ] . More recently studies have shown karyotype discrepancies between the MCF-7 cell line from the Michigan Cancer Foundation and the MCF-7 cell line supplied by ATCC (Graham et al. 1986). Comparing the cell lines from the two sources studies concluded that the MCF-7 cells from ATCC could not have been derived from the same individual as the original MCF-7 cell line (Graham et al. 1986).

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) inhibits the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.Treatment with anti-estrogens can modulate the secretion of insulin-like growth factor binding protein's.


External links

* [ ATCC Number: HTB-22™]
* [ The University of Texas MD Anderson Breast Cancer Cell Line Data Base]

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