- Candido Maria Trigueros
Candido Maria Trigueros, (Orgaz, (Toledo), 4 September 1736 - Madrid, 20 May 1798). Dedicated poet, theatrical author and illustrated journalist of the XVIII Century who after living out of Church appointments for over thirty years in
Carmona ,Sevilla , participating for many years in meetings of the "Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras " and those organized by influent political man of the Illustation, Peruvian bornPablo de Olavide y Jáuregui, (Lima, Peru, 1725 January 25 – Baeza, Spain, 1803 February 25) , and being appointed through pressures of his Madrid colleagues a Librarian, since 1784, at the "Reales Estudios de San Isidro de Madrid":http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reales_Estudios_de_San_Isidro
He participated then in a fluid exchange of ideas and correspondence with the foremost politicians, academicians, writers and historians of the end of the XVIII Century Madrid.
He developed works around, and/or, the French author
Moliére , no doubt by his contacts withAgustín de Montiano y Luyando ,(Valladolid, February 28, 1697 – November 1, 1764), 1st Director of the Spanish Academy of History and also a member of the Royal Spanish Academy. He was the author of his Apology read before the KingCarlos III of Spain in 1765 when Montiano died in November 1764.He managed also to readapt with success some works of such great early XVII Century writers as
Felix Lope de Vega y Carpio andMiguel de Cervantes Saavaedra.References
*F. AGUILAR PIÑAL, "Manuscritos de Trigueros conservados en la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo", Boletin de la Biblioteca Menendez Pelayo, (Santander), vol 39, (1963), pages 367 to 380.
*F. CANTERA BURGOS, "Gramatic hebrea manuscrita de Candido M. Trigueros", Sefarad, vol 23, (1963), pages 116 - 119.
*http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A1ndido_Mar%C3%ADa_Trigueros (In Spanish). An excellent introduction to Trigueros.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.