Max & Chloe

Max & Chloe
Max & Chloe
Type Private
Industry Retail and Jewellery
Founded 2006, in New York City, New York

New York City, New York

United States
Products Designer jewelry

Max & Chloe is an online and catalog retailer offering designer fashion and fine jewelry. Max and Chloe has been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Lucky, the Today show, Time Out, and many more publications. The company is based in New York City, New York.


Max and Chloe began as an online retailer in 2006, when it started offering jewelry, handbags and fashion accessories. In the span of two years, Max and Chloe evolved and has begun to offer a large selection of fashion and fine jewelry.

As of 2008, Max and Chloe expanded its market and carries dozens of designer brands including: Arena CPH, Brian Danielle, Ettika, Exhibitionist, Jami Rodriguez, Jessica Elliot, Kenneth Jay Lane, Melinda Maria, Pade Vavra, Rebecca Norman, Sydney Evan, Zasha and Zoe Chicco.

The website is categorized with the following: New Items, Top Sellers, Fashion Jewelry, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry, Personalized Items, Shop By Price, Sale and Handbags. There is also a page dedicated to Trends and another to Press.

Released on a bi-annual basis, the Max and Chloe Catalog features hundreds of products.

Max and Chloe has a blog, started in 2007, that is updated daily. It features designer interviews, celebrity fashions, trends, jewelry care, new brands and jewelry related news.


Max and Chloe has been featured in many well-known fashion magazines and other popular press. The following links show items and where they were located in print.

Max and Chloe was recently listed as a top 20 online shopping destination by InStyle Magazine.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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