Sylvan Wittwer

Sylvan Wittwer

Sylvan Harold Wittwer (born 1917 ) was a leading agronomist. He served as director of the agricultural experiment station at Michigan State University.

Wittwer was born in 1917 in Hurricane, Utah. He received his bachelors degree at Utah State University and his doctors degree from the University of Missouri.

Wittmer developed a chemical known as Gibberellins. He wrote "Feeding a Billion" (1987) and "Food, Climate, and Carbon Dioxide: The Global Environment and World Food Production" (1995). Another book he wrote was "Greenhouse Tomatos, Lettuce and Cucumber" (1979).

Wittwer served as the first president of the Lansing Michigan Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints beganing in 1962.

Sylvan Wittwer is a member of the board of the Greening Earth Society and the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.

There is a Sylvan Wittwer on the Deseret Valley Academy board of directors, but it is not clear if this is the same Sylvan Wittwer. [ [ Management Team ] ]


*"LDS Church Almanac", 2008 Edition, p. 237.
* [ short biography connected with his papers]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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