

Baglioni is an Italian surname and may refer to:
*Giovanni Baglione (15661643), Italian early baroque painter and historian of art
*Cesare Baglioni (c. 1525-1590), Italian painter of the Renaissance period
*Baglioni (family) or one of its members:
**Rodolfo Baglioni (1512-1554), Italian condottiero serving in the Imperial army
**Astorre Baglioni
**Malatesta Baglioni the Elder (died 1437), ruler of Cannara, Spello and Bastia Umbra
**Malatesta Baglioni the Younger (1491-1531), ruler of Perugia
**Grifonetto Baglioni

ee also

* Pala Baglioni, an oil painting by Raphael
* Rappaccini's Daughter, a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne featuring a central character named Baglioni.

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