- Cartoon Noir
"Cartoon Noir" is a 1999 feature film consisting of six animated
short subjects from five countries. The short films brought together for this anthology were "Gentle Spirit" (1987) byPolish animator Piotr Dumala, "Club of the Discarded" (1989) by the Czech artistJiri Barta , "Abductees" (1995) fromEngland ’s Paul Vester, "The Story of the Cat and the Moon" (1995) from Portuguese animator Pedro Serrazina, and a pair of shorts from American filmmakers:Suzan Pitt 's "Joy Street" (1996) and Julie Zammarchi's "Ape" (1992). [ [http://www.filmjournal.com/filmjournal/reviews/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000697538 Film Journal International review] ]"Cartoon Noir" was released on DVD in 2000. [ [http://www.amazon.com/Cartoon-Noir/dp/B00004YKP7 DVD in 2000 Amazon.com DVD page] ]
External links
* [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0225346/ "Cartoon Noir" in the Internet Movie Database]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/library/film/120399cartoon-film-review.htmlNew York Times review]
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