Tourettes Action

Tourettes Action

Tourettes Action is a United Kingdom support and research charity for people with Tourette syndrome (TS) and their families. TS is a neurological condition characterised by ticsinvoluntary sounds and movements. [Cite book| last =Chowdhury| first =Uttom| year=2004| title =Tics and Tourette Syndrome. A Handbook for Parents and Professionals| publisher =Jessica Kingsley Publishers |location= London| page =p. 19| isbn =1 84310 203 X]


The charity was founded as the Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association in 1980 by a small group of parents of children with TS, who came together for mutual support. In 2006, the charity relocated to London and substantially expanded its services to members and non-members. A windfall from Big Brother 2006 winner Pete Bennett [cite web|title=Tourettes Action annual report 2006-2007|url=|publisher=Tourettes Action|accessdate=2008-08-05|format=PDF Navigate to the 2006-2007 link to download the PDF. ] gave the organisation the opportunity to plan for future development to reach a higher percentage of the 300,000 children and adults in the UK with TS. [cite journal |author=Stern JS, Burza S, Robertson MM |title=Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome and its impact in the UK |journal=Postgrad Med J |volume=81 |issue=951 |pages=129 |year=2005 |month=January |pmid=15640424 |doi=10.1136/pgmj.2004.023614 |url=] In June 2008 the charity adopted the name Tourettes Action, a new ID and website.

Goals and programmes

According to their website, Tourettes Action's goal is to rise awareness of and to inform the public about Tourette syndrome (TS) in order to help individuals with TS receive support, social acceptance and workplace inclusion. Tourettes Action's programmes aim to support individuals with TS throughout their lives and facilitate their inclusion into society. Additionally, it funds research into treatment and diagnosis of TS.

Tourettes Action is a membership organisation with over 600 members. Membership is open to everyone over the age of 18 and costs £20 a year.


External links

* [ Official Tourettes Action Website]

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