

Infobox Company
company_name = Orderman
company_type = GmbH
foundation = 1993
location = Austria
owner = Radiant Systems
industry = Technology
products = POS devices
revenue = 12,1 million (2007)
num_employees = more than 90
homepage = http://www.orderman.com

Orderman GmbH is an Austrian company headquartered in Salzburg which develops and manufactures handheld point of sale (POS) devices for the hospitality industry. Using the handheld device, orders can be taken from the guest at the table and sent to the kitchen and bar via radio transmission. Orderman is the global market leader in handheld ordering and distributes its solutions through a reseller network of more than 600 partners, predominantly in Europe. The Orderman devices are installed in over 20,000 locations in 45 countries worldwide. [ [http://www.ajc.com/business/content/printedition/2008/07/08/radiant.html Radiant Systems buys Austrian company] , Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7/8/2008] Research and development as well as production and marketing control take place in Salzburg. [ [http://www.orderman.com/fileadmin/presse/Salzburger_Nachrichten_4.3.08.pdf Schneller Bestellen] , Salzburger Nachrichten, 4/3/2008, PDF]


Orderman was founded in 1993 as "think dig Tech Solutions", with mountain chalets and Discothèques being the first to use its products.
The company changed its name to "Orderman GmbH" in 2007 and was shared between the four founders with equal shares - Alois Eisl (Managing Director), Gottfried Kaiser (Research), Franz Blatnik (Development) and Willi Katamay (Manager of Sales).
On July 7 2008 Orderman announced their sale to Radiant Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq-RADS), US market leader in POS solutions for the hospitality industry. [ [http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/news/article.asp?docKey=600-200807071031INVTRENDFINANCE__87110-7T19VQNUAAEFIHIU3O31VQFMRO&params=timestamp||07/07/2008%2010:31%20AM%20ET||headline||Radiant%20Systems%20Obtains%20Orderman||docSource||Investrend||provider||ACQUIREMEDIA||realtedsyms||%7CUS%3BRADS%7CUS%3BADP%7CUS%3BWIT%7CUS%3BCTSH&symbol=RADS.O Radiant Systems obtains Orderman] , Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 7/8/2008]


The Orderman product range consists of three touch screen and two keypad-based units. The touch screen units are mainly used by establishments which offer an extensive range of products while the keypad PLU units are more suitable for high-volume establishments.

According to a study by the Austrian market research institute "OGM" in 2007 in Europe, radio ordering systems result in an average increase in sales of 8.5%. [ [http://www.eccospro.com/neuigkeiten/wissenschaftlich_bewiesen_funkboniersysteme_bringen_der_gastronomie_deutlich_mehr_umsatz „Wissenschaftlich bewiesen: Funkboniersysteme bringen der Gastronomie deutlich mehr Umsatz“] eccospro.com ] In USA, the average is closer to 20%.

This increase in sales is the result of increased efficiency and a faster table turnaround time. The tables are more fully occupied and none of the meals and drinks are forgotten or left off the bill. [ [http://www.grin.com/de/preview/43634.html Mobile Bestellerfassung und Abrechnung in der Gastronomie: Vergleich von Ansätzen] , University term paper, Universität Koblenz-Landau]

Company figures

With an increase in turnover from 6.1 million Euro in 2004 to 12.1 million Euro in 2007 [ [http://www.wirtschaftsblatt.at/home/schwerpunkt/itnews/315429/index.do Salzburger Orderman will US-Gastronomie erobern] , WirtschaftsBlatt, 27/2/2008] Orderman now employs more than 90 staff (as of 7/08). The export ratio is 86%. Apart from Austria and Germany, Orderman’s main markets are Italy and Spain, where the company has its own branch offices.
Millions of transactions are processed by over 50,000 Orderman handhelds every day. In Austria, 4,000 handheld units are used in approximately 1,800 establishments, representing a market share of 70-80%. [ [http://www.orderman.com/fileadmin/presse/orderman-ein-system-das-gewinn-bringt.pdf Ein System, das Gewinn bringt] ,OGZ, 28/3/2008, PDF]

Web links

* [http://www.radiantsystems.com/ Website von Radiant Systems]
* [http://www.salzburg.com/nwas/archiv_artikel.php?xm=3461758&res=13 "Wir könnten jetzt in Pension gehen"] , Salzburger Nachrichten, 9/7/2008
* [http://www.wirtschaftsblatt.at/home/oesterreich/unternehmen/salzburg/334038/index.do?_vl_pos=r.2.MOST US-Firma kauft Salzburger Orderman für 31 Millionen Dollar] , Wirtschaftsblatt, 7/7/2008
* [http://www.ahgz.de/vermischtes/,142008,8049011312.html Orderman wächst kräftig] , Allgemeinen Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung, 1/4/2008
* [http://www.wirtschaftsblatt.at/home/schwerpunkt/itnews/315429/index.do Salzburger Orderman will US-Gastronomie erobern] , Wirtschaftsblatt, 27/2/2008


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