- Gone Nutty
"Gone Nutty" is an
animated short film directed byCarlos Saldanha forBlue Sky Studios . The short features the characterScrat from "Ice Age", who is yet again having troubles with collecting his belovedacorn s. It has roughly the same story as the trailer at the very beginning of "Ice Age". It also pokes fun at theContinental drift theory. The film was nominated for the 2004Academy Award for Animated Short Film , and received a theatrical release attached to "" and "Catch That Kid ".ynopsis
It begins with Scrat returning to a huge tree, hollowed out and filled to the brim with acorns. There is one more empty spot in the middle of the acorns where Scrat tries to stuff the last acorn he brought with him. However it pops back out, and when Scrat stomps it into place the entire tree blows, and every acorn along with Scrat is sent sliding down the side of a mountain. The acorns and Scrat go into free fall. A short musical scene follows, with Scrat collecting acorns as he falls, turning them into 3 things(a bed, a skyboard and a giant ball). Eventually Scrat collects and forms a 3-D sphere with the acorns, but then (with Scrat on top of it) it tilts upside down so Scrat and the acorns finally fall to the icy land down below. There is one lone acorn left in the atmosphere blasting right towards Scrat as fast as a meteorite. It slams into Scrat and the extreme force results in
continental drift , shaping the Earths continents into their present day form. When Scrat digs out the acorn, he finds it has been charred and thus crumbled into ash. Disappointed and defeated, he puts on the remaining acorn cap as a hat.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.