Blue Jeans

Blue Jeans

Infobox Standard
title=Blue Jeans
comment=(Fox Trot Song)

caption=Sheet music
composer=Lou Traveller
lyricist=Harry D. Kerr

"Blue Jeans" ("Fox Trot Song") is a sentimental popular song written by Harry D. Kerr and Lou Traveller in 1920. In the song, the singer is reminiscing about a long-ago young love that happened somewhere in the "hills of the old Cumberland." The chorus echoes the singer's longing:

:"Blue Jeans, the days are lonely,":"Blue Jeans, I dream of you,":"The Wildwood May days and childhood play days,":"Those golden summer hours we knew;":"Songbirds are softly calling,":"Down where the grass is blue,":"The trail up yonder, we used to wander,":"There, pretty Blue Jeans, I'll wait for you." [Kerr, "Blue Jeans".]

"Blue Jeans" was recorded a number of times, including by the Premier Quartet (Victor 18740, November 1920) and the Peerless Quartet (Edison Blue Amberol 4288, August 1921).



*Kerr, Harry D. (words); Traveller, Lou (music). "Blue Jeans: Fox Trot Song" (sheet music). Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co. (1920).

External links

* [ "A Blast From The Past; October 1997, First Issue Updated.] "The Parlor Songs Collection".
* [ "Blue Jeans" (mp3)] by the [ Premier Quartet] ; hosted by [ Internet Archive] .
* [ "Blue Jeans"] [ (sheet music)] , Archive of Popular American Music; hosted by [ UCLA Library Digital Collections] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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