Weightlifting at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's 105 kg

Weightlifting at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's 105 kg

The men's 105kg weightlifting event was the seventh men's event at the weightlifting competition, limiting competitors to a maximum of 105 kilograms of body mass. The whole competition took place on August 18, but was divided in two parts due to the number of competitors. Group B weightlifters competed at 15:30, and Group A, at 19:00. This event was the fourteenth Weightlifting event to conclude.

Each lifter performed in both the snatch and clean and jerk lifts, with the final score being the sum of the lifter's best result in each. The athlete received three attempts in each of the two lifts; the score for the lift was the heaviest weight successfully lifted.


All times are China Standard Time (UTC+8)

Qualified Athletes

Twenty lifters were selected for the games.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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