Index of Sonic the Hedgehog characters

Index of Sonic the Hedgehog characters

This is a complete list of characters who have appeared in Sega's video game franchise "Sonic the Hedgehog" in order of appearance.


*Sonic the Hedgehog: The main protagonist of the series. Sonic is a male hedgehog with blue fur. His primary ability is super speed; in fact, Sonic is capable of running faster than the speed of sound, and able to move faster than any sort of opponent.
*Badniks: The original name for Dr. Eggman's robots in North America and Europe, until "Sonic Adventure", but are called badniks again in "Sonic Rivals 2".
*Animal Friends: The tiny animals Robotnik traps in his robots.
*Flickies: A race of birds that live on Flicky Island. First appeared in the game, Flicky.
*Dr. Eggman: The main antagonist of the series, also known as Dr. Robotnik. A mad scientist who is constantly trying to take over the world. He specializes in robotics and advanced technology.
*Miles "Tails" Prower: Sonic's best friend who is a young fox with two tails hence his nickname, which he can twirl like helicopter blades to fly. Tails is also incredibly talented with technology and robots; his skill equals that of Dr. Eggman's.
*Silver Sonic: Eggman's first robot copy of Sonic. First appeared in Sonic 2.
*Mecha Sonic: A robotic copy of Sonic that was destroyed in "Sonic & Knuckles". It appears that Mecha Sonic is currently being repaired in the Final Egg.
*Mighty the Armadillo: An armadillo who has not appeared since "Knuckles Chaotix". He was a traveler and a pacifist.
*Ray the Flying Squirrel: A friendly flying squirrel.
*Amy Rose: A female hedgehog with pink fur, Amy is in extreme love with Sonic and is often chasing him.
*Metal Sonic: Eggman's most powerful and adaptable robot, who is almost equal to Sonic in terms of speed. He eventually betrayed Eggman, but returned to his original role as a "mindless servant".
*Knuckles the Echidna: A hotheaded echidna with red fur, he is the strongest character in the series, capable of breaking anything with his fists. He is the guardian of the Master Emerald, and also a friendly rival to Sonic.
*EggRobo: Eggman's own robotic take on himself.
*Fang the Sniper: A sneaky and devious weasel-wolf, who cares only about money. In the "Sonic the Hedgehog" comics, Fang is an assassin.
* Chaotix: A group of misfit detectives that provide comic relief.
**Espio the Chameleon: A purple chameleon, who is a detective, a skilled ninja, and a member of the Chaotix. Compared to Vector and Charmy, Espio is rather cool, cautious, and collected.
**Vector the Crocodile: A music-loving crocodile and leader of the Chaotix. Vector is hotheaded and rude; yet he's still a very capable leader.
**Charmy Bee: A hyperactive 6-year old bee and mascot of the Chaotix. Charmy is constantly aggravating Espio and Vector with his antics.
*Heavy and Bomb: Two robots that betrayed Eggman to help the Chaotix, but it is unknown what happened to them.
*Wendy Witchcart: An old evil witch who rides in a rail cart. She was defeated and captured by Tails.
*Fockewulf: One of Witchcart's henchmen, a blue male wolf who rides on a flying motorbike.
*Bearenger: Also one of Witchcart's henchmen, a black male bear who rides on a missile.
*Carrotia: Another one of Witchcart's henchmen, an orange female rabbit who rides in a flying carrot.
*The Battle Kukku Army: An army of evil birds who attempted to steal the Chaos Emeralds from Cocoa Island. They were defeated by Tails.
**Battle Kukku 16th: Also known as Speedy, he is the son of the leader of the Battle Kukku Army. He can fly at very fast speeds.
**Dr. Fukurokov: The mad scientist of the Battle Kukku Army.
**Grand Battle Kukku 15th: The leader of the Battle Kukku Army. He is Speedy's father.
*Bark the Polarbear: A rough and tough polar bear.
*Bean the Dynamite: A duck who uses bombs as weapons.
*Tails Doll: A doll version of Tails, built by Robotnik.
*Metal Knuckles: A robotic version of Knuckles, built by Eggman.


*Chaos: A mutated chao made completely out of water.
*E-Series Robots: Eggman's new brand of robots. These are upgraded into newer and sleeker models in each game.
**E-100 Alpha (Zero): The first unit of the E-100 Robots. Destroyed by Amy Rose.
**E-101 Beta: The second unit of Eggman's E-100 Robots. Destroyed by Gamma.
**E-102 Gamma: The third unit of Eggman's E-100 Robots. Gamma sacrificed itself, and is now a pink Flicky. An upgraded model of Gamma appeared in "Sonic Adventure 2" (as E-1000) and "Sonic Battle" (as Chaos Gamma).
**E-103 Delta: The fourth unit of Eggman's E-100 Robots. Destroyed by Gamma.
**E-104 Epsilon: The fifth unit of Eggman's E-100 Robots. Destroyed by Gamma.
**E-105 Zeta: The sixth unit of Eggman's E-100 Robots. Destroyed by Gamma.
*Tikal the Echidna: The young daughter of the chief, who sacrificed herself 3000 years ago to stop Chaos from destroying the planet.
*Pachacamac the Echidna: Tikal's power-hungry father who was killed by Chaos.
*Chao: Blue creatures raised in the Chao Garden. These are virtual pets similar to a Tamagotchi.
*Lumina Flowlight: The guardian of the Precioustone in Maginaryworld. Lumina needs Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy's help to save Maginaryworld from Void.
*Void: A mysterious creature who plans to destroy the Precioustones.
*Illumina: The goddess of Maginaryworld.
*Guardian Unit of Nations: The franchise's military, which often uses the initials "G.U.N."
*Shadow the Hedgehog: A black hedgehog created by Gerald Robotnik with use of DNA from Black Doom. He almost died saving the world, and after falling from space he was found in a capsule by Rouge in one of Eggman's bases. He is now an agent working for G.U.N.
*Rouge the Bat: A secret agent working for G.U.N., and jewel thief in her spare time.
*The President: The president of the United Federation, who lives in the White House in Central City.
*The President's Secretary: The president's secretary.
*King Boom Boo: The king of all ghosts, King Boom Boo was defeated by Knuckles in the Death Chamber.
*Egg Golem: The guardian of Robotnik's pyramid base.
*Maria Robotnik: Eggman's late cousin, who sacrificed herself to save Shadow from GUN. Maria was like a sister to Shadow and the G.U.N. Commander.
*Gerald Robotnik: Eggman's late grandfather who created Shadow with Black Doom. He was executed by the GUN forces.
*Biolizard: The prototype of the ultimate life-form who merged with the ARK to create the Final-Hazard. It was "killed" by Super Shadow and Super Sonic.
*Cream the Rabbit: A young rabbit. Cream is often considered Amy's sidekick, and her best friend.
*Cheese the Chao: Cream's pet Chao. Cheese is identified by wearing a red bow tie.
*Vanilla the Rabbit: Cream's mother.
*Emerl: An ancient robot that can copy the attacks of other people, and can also become smarter and more humanoid if in the presence of a Chaos Emerald. When Emerl gained all the Chaos Emeralds he was set free by Shadow but Dr. Robotnik used a weapon on him, causing him to go insane and was later destroyed by Sonic.
*E-121 Phi: Advanced Robot made by Eggman based on Emerl.
*E-102 Chaos Gamma: Powerful robot made from Gamma's parts.
* E-123 Omega: The final robot of Eggman's E-100 Series. Omega betrayed his creator and wants revenge on him.
*Egg Pawn: Small orange robots designed in Robotnik's image.
*Chocola Chao: Cheese's brother.
*Gemerl: Gemerl is a robot built from Emerl's damaged parts. Gemerl was damaged by Super Sonic and Eggman, but repaired and re-programmed to be heroic. He is also known among fans as G-mel.


*Black Arms: An evil alien race.
**Doom's Eye: Black Doom's third eye.
**Black Doom: Leader of the Black Arms, who was killed by his creation (with the help of Gerald) Shadow.
**Black Bull: A monster controlled by Black Doom and the Black Arms.
*G.U.N. Commander: The highest ranking officer in the GUN Federation Forces. He is one of the few people who knows of Shadow's past.
*Blaze the Cat: A princess from another dimension. She possesses inherent control over fire.
*Eggman Nega: Doctor Eggman's counterpart from another dimension/descendant from the future.
* Babylon Rogues: A group of Babylon thieves.
**Jet the Hawk: The leader of the Babylon Rogues. Jet is famous because of his skills with Extreme Gear.
**Wave the Swallow: The mechanic of the Babylon Rogues. She loves insulting others, and built the Rogues' Extreme Gear.
**Storm the Albatross: The muscle behind the Babylon Rogues. He is very clumsy, and lacking in the intelligence department.
*E-10000G: Green robots with incredible strength. These robots look similar to the Egg Pawns.
*E-10000R: A red speedy robot running on Metal Sonic's engine. This robot also looks similar to the Egg Pawns.
*Babylon Guardian: The guardian of Babylon's greatest treasure. He was defeated by Sonic in a battle/race.
*Princess Elise: The princess of Soleanna who is the protector of a dark secret known as the "Flames of Disaster".
*Silver the Hedgehog: A silver hedgehog from the future. He has telekinetic powers.
*Iblis: A giant monster made of lava and destruction that Silver and Blaze fought in the future. He is one of the two forms that make up Solaris, the entity that attempts to consume all of time.
*Mephiles the Dark: A blob-like demon who took up the form of Shadow by assuming the form of his shadow. This creature is one of the two forms that make up Solaris, the entity that attempts to consume all of time.
*Solaris: The super dimensional sun god of Soleanna, who is the fusion of Mephiles and Iblis.
*Shahra the Ring Genie: A genie who transports Sonic into the book of the Arabian Nights through a special ring after she tells Sonic that the stories have gone unwary.
*Erazor Djinn: An evil genie who absorbs the power from the Arabian Nights book, thus causing the stories to vanish.
*Marine the Raccoon: A raccoon girl who dreams of becoming a captain of her own ship, so she can sail around the world.
*Coconut Crew: The Coconut Crew is a crew of eight koalas and one viking polar bear who all live on Southern Island in "Sonic Rush Adventure". The members are Deikun, Colonel, Muzy, Kylok, Tabby, Gardon, Setter and Norman.
*Captain Whisker: An evil pirate robot who was created by Eggman and Eggman Nega.
*Johnny: Captain Whisker's speedy first mate who hates losing and challenges you to races where the winner gets a chaos emarald .
*Metal Sonic version 3.0: Eggman Nega's personal Metal Sonic copy.
*Ifrit: An inter-dimensional monster that appears in "Sonic Rivals 2". It has the power to destroy the world, and will become invincible when it devours Chao. Also a boss in Sonic and the Secret Rings is known as the "Ifit Golem" it was summoned by Erazor Djinn and manifested itself by creating a humanoid body out of scrap metal.
*: These are the service robots working on an extensive techno organization. When the Ark of Cosmos has fallen to the Earth, they send from under control.
*: Was once the leader of the MeteorTech Robots. It stole the Arks of the Cosmos and took them to the Babylon Garden in which caused a massive black hole and his transformation. He is defeated by Sonic in a battle/race.
*: Shade is a pink female echidna who is lieutenant among the Nocturne, and head of intelligence within the organization--essentially, a super-spy. She has lived within the Twilight Cage with others of her lost clan these past millennia, and her job has been a challenging one, given so many rival factions constantly vying for supremacy.
*: The leader of the Nocturne echidna tribe, Ix is an old and powerful echidna who has taken over the other aliens in the Twilight Cage.
*: The Nocturne are a clan of echidnas that were exiled to the Twilight Cage. While in the Twilight Cage, their master, Lord Ix, lead them to domination of all the other races also exiled. They also created the first prototypes for Gizoids.
*: One of the main alien races in the Twilight Cage, the Zoah are militaristic giants who use energy weapons and their own massive strength and tactical knowledge to try to conquer the other aliens in the cage. They gained their names through a competition poll hosted by Sonic City.
*: The Kron are a mysterious race of stone-like humanoids that are known for their mining and construction abilities. They are forced to work as slaves to the Nocturne.
*Swatbots: A type of robot enemy created by Eggman appearing in . The are heavily inspired by and directly named after robots from the first Sonic the Hedgehog TV series and the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics.
*: The Voxai are a race of beings in the Twilight Cage ruled by an Overmind. They all act as part of the same Overmind, but are given their free will back by Sonic and Co.
*: The N'rrgal are a species in the Twilight Cage that feed on energy. They are mortal enemies of the Zoah and are constantly at war with them. They are ruled by the N'rrgal Queen.

Upcoming Characters

*Dark Gaia: The beast that is released from the center of the Earth when Dr. Eggman fires his new ray weapon powered by the energy of Super Sonic. The new monster foes are the spores of this dragon-like beast.

*Chip a small, creature, who was seen to appear in Sonic Unleashed at recent gaming conventions where a demo version of the game was playable.

crapped Characters

*Tiara Boobowski and Gazebo Boobowski were scheduled to be introduced in the game Sonic X-Treme but the title was cancelled, so they were never used.

*Honey the Cat was going to appear in the game Sonic the Fighters but was removed for some reason, she can still be selected as a character by hacking the game.

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