List of gay science fiction

List of gay science fiction

The portrayal of homosexuality in speculative fiction has undergone many changes. Numerous works in the science fiction and fantasy genres have been labelled as "gay". This may be due to the work containing gay or bisexual characters or themes, or simply having a gay author or being published by a LGBT small press. A number of anthologies focusing on "gay" sicence fiction, fantasy or horror have also been produced.


* Anderson, Poul
*Bujold, Lois McMaster
**"Ethan of Athos"
* Burroughs, William
** ""
** "Novatrilogy"
* Delany, Samuel R.
** "Babel-17"
** "Einstein Intersection"
** "Triton"
** "Dhalgren"
** "Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand"
*Dorsett, C. E.
**"Liquid Sky"
* Duane, Diane
** "The Door Into Fire"
* Gerrold, David
** "Jumping Off the Planet"
** "The Man Who Folded Himself"
** "The Martian Child" (non fiction)
* Grimsley, Jim
** "Kirith Kirin"
* Heinlein, Robert
** "Stranger in a Strange Land"
** "Time Enough for Love"
* Keegan, Mel
** "Aquamarine"
** "Death's Head"
** "Equinox"

* Marks, Laurie"
** "Fire Logic"
** "Earth Logic"
* Lackey, Mercedes
** "Magic's Pawn"
** "Magic's Promise"
** "Magic's Price"
* LeGuin, Ursula K.
**"The Left Hand of Darkness"
* McHugh, Maureen F.
**"China Mountain Zhang"
* Stapledon, Olaf
** "Odd John"
* Williams, Walter Jon

hort stories

* Sturgeon, Theodore
**"The World Well Lost"

Themed anthologies

Kindred spirits; an anthology of gay and lesbian science fiction stories. Ed. Jeffrey M. Elliot. Boston: Alyson, 1984.] Worlds apart; an anthology of lesbian and gay science fiction and fantasy. Ed. Camilla Decarnin, Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo. Boston: Alyson, 1986.Things invisible to see; gay and lesbian tales of magic realism. Ed. Lawrence Schimel. Cambridge, Mass.: Circlet Press, 1998. Techno myths; when technology and magic collide, worlds are remade. Ed. S. G. Johnson. Elkton, Md.: Obelesk Books, 1993. Swords of the rainbow; science fiction and fantasy. Ed. Eric Garber, Jewelle Gomez. Los Angeles: Alyson, 1996. One in ten forward. Volume 1. (Anthology of gay and lesbian science fiction, fantasy and horror, including original stories, poems and art.) [Synergy Ganymede, P.O.Box 2737, Denver, CO, 80201] 1993.Of princes and beauties; adult erotic faerie tales. Ed. Cecilia Tan. Cambridge, Mass.: Circlet Press, 1995. Midnight thirsts; erotic tales of the vampire [4 novellas] . New York: Kensington, 2004.Masters of midnight [Erotic tales of the vampire - 4 novellas] New York: Kensington, 2003.

Meltdown! An anthology of erotic science fiction and dark fantasy for gay men. Ed. Caro Soles. New York: Masquerade Books, 1994.

Grave passions; tales of the gay supernatural. Ed. William J. Mann. NY: Badboy, 1997.

Flying cups & saucers; gender explorations in science fiction & fantasy. Ed. Debbie Notkin and the secret feminist cabel. Cambridge, Mass.: Edgewood Press, 1998.

The Ghost of Carmen Miranda, and other spooky gay and lestian tales. Ed. Julie Kl Trevelyan and Scott Brassart. LA: Alyson, 1998.

Happily ever after: erotic fairy tales for men. Ed. Michael Ford. NY: Masquerade Books, 1996.

Icarus & angels, flights of fantasy; gay SF. Ed. Gary Bowen. Elkton, Md.: Triangle Titles, Obeliesk Books, 1996.

Brothers of the night; gay vampire stories. Ed. Michael Rowe and Thomas S. Roche. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1997.

Queer Fear
Queer Fear II

Shadows of the Night: Queer Tales of the Uncanny and Unusual by Greg Herren (Editor)

Triptych of Terror: Three Chilling Tales by the Masters of Gay Horror by John Michael Curlovich (Author), Michael Rowe (Author), David Thomas Lord (Author)

The Future is Queer: A Science Fiction Anthology by Richard Labont (Editor), Lawrence Schimel (Editor)

So Fey: Queer Fairy Fiction by Steve Berman
Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird Stories by Steve Berman

See also

* Sexuality in science fiction
* Gender in science fiction
* Queer horror
* LGBT literature
* Slash fiction (Femslash & Gayfic)
* Lists of gay, lesbian, or bisexual figures in fiction
* List of lesbian science fiction
* List of LGBT figures in mythology


External Links

Reading lists

* [ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender SF/F/H Bibliography]
* [ Alternative Sexualities in Science Fiction and Fantasy List]

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