- Home (ABC TV series)
"Home", also referred to as "The Home Show", was a daytime/nighttime informational
talk show that aired on ABC from 1988 to 1994.The program was hosted by
Robb Weller during the first season, and Gary Collins for the remainder of its run. They had various female co-hosts, includingCristina Ferrare , Sandy Hill,Dana Fleming ,Beth Ruyak andSarah Purcell . Segments were frequently presented byDian Thomas ,Carol Duvall andKitty Bartholomew .Marc Summers would present segments on the latest in technology (computers, home gaming, etc.).Mother Love joined the show as the announcer in the final season.The timeslot which "Home" occupied is currently filled by the popular talk show "
The View ". Its length varied widely from 30 minutes (for most of its run) to 60 minutes, with a one-year run as a 90-minute show after "Match Game " was canceled in the noon time slot in 1991. The show contracted back to 60 minutes in 1992, as the network officially abandoned the noon time slot in favor of local news.Broadcast history
"(all times ET)"
*January 1988 – September 1988, 11:30am-12:00pm
*September 1988, 11:00am-12:00pm
*September 1988 – January 1989, 11:30am-12:00pm
*January 1989 – July 1991, 11:00am-12:00pm
*July 1991 – August 1992, 11:00am-12:30pm
*August 1992 – April 1994, 11:00am-12:00pmExternal links
*imdb title|id=0288363
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