

Spanish city
native_name = Almansa
spanish_name = Almansa
nickname =
city_motto =
city_motto_means =

image_flag_size =
image_coat_of_arms = Escudo de Almansa.pngimage_coat_of_arms_size = 65px

image_city_map_size = 300px
image_city_map_caption = Location of "Almansa" within the province of Albacete
lat_long = coord|38|52|N|1|06|W
time_zone = CET (GMT +1)
time_zone_summer = CEST (GMT +2)

image_skyline_size = 250px
native_language = Spanish
founded =
community = Castilla-La Mancha
community_link = Castile-La Mancha
province = Albacete
province_link = Albacete
comarca = Corredor de Almansa
comarca_link = Altiplanicie de Almansa
divisions =
neighborhoods =
mayor = Fermín J. Cerdán Gosálvez
political_party = PP
political_party_link = Popular Party
area = 531.91
altitude = 712,8
population = 25.272
date-population = 2007
population-ranking =
density = 47.51
date-density = 2007
website =
postal_code = 02640
area_code = 967

Almansa is a Spanish city and municipality in the province of Albacete, part of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha. The municipality borders with Alicante, Valencia and Murcia.

See also

* Battle of Almansa

External links

* [ Portal of Almansa]

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