

:"For the Canadian township, see Euphrasia Township, Ontario. For the band, see Euphrasia (band). For the saint, see Euphrasia (Eupraxia) of Constantinople. See also Eufrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus"Taxobox
name = "Euphrasia"

image_width = 220px
image_caption = "Euphrasia rostkoviana"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Asteridae
unranked_ordo = Euasterids I
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Orobanchaceae
genus = "Euphrasia"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = About 450, see text

"Euphrasia" (Eyebright) is a genus of about 450 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae (formerly included in the Scrophulariaceae), with a cosmopolitan distribution. They are semi-parasitic on grasses. The common name refers to the plant's use in treating eye infections.

Many species are found in alpine or sub-alpine meadows where snow is common. Flowers usually are borne terminally, are zygomorphic, and have a lower petal shaped like a lip. The most common flower colours are purple, blue-white, and violet. Some species have yellow markings on the lower petal to act as a guide to pollinating insects.

Alternative names, mainly in herbalism, are "Augentrostkraut, Euphrasiae herba, Herba Euphrasiae" and "Herbe d'Euphraise".

Use in herbalism and medicine

The plant was known to classical herbalists, but then was not referred to until mentioned again in 1305. Nicholas Culpeper assigned it to the Leo, claiming that it strengthened the brain. It was also used to treat bad memory and vertigo. [Howard (1987): p.136]

Herbalists use eyebright as a poultice with or without concurrent administration of a tea for the redness, swelling, and visual disturbances caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis. The herb is also used for eyestrain and to relieve inflammation caused by colds, coughs, sinus infections, sore throats and hay fever.

Parts used include the leaf, the stem, and small pieces of the flowers. Typical preparations include a warm compress or tea. Eyebright preparations are also available as an extract or capsule.

The safety of this herb during pregnancy and lactation is not proven.

elected species

* "Euphrasia × aequalis"
* "Euphrasia alpina"
* "Euphrasia alsa" F.Muell.
* "Euphrasia anglica"
* "Euphrasia arctica"
* "Euphrasia arguta" - believed extinct, rediscovered 2008
* "Euphrasia brevipila"
* "Euphrasia cambrica"
* "Euphrasia campbelliae"
* "Euphrasia collina" R.Br. – Purple Eyebright
** "Euphrasia collina" ssp. "muelleri" – Mueller's Eyebright
** "Euphrasia collina" ssp. "osbornii" – Osborn's Eyebright
* "Euphrasia confusa"
* "Euphrasia fabula"
* "Euphrasia fennica"
* "Euphrasia foulaensis"
* "Euphrasia fragosa" – Shy Eyebright, Southport Eyebright
* "Euphrasia frigida" – Cold-weather Eyebright
* "Euphrasia gibbsiae"
** "Euphrasia gibbsiae" ssp. "psilantherea"
* "Euphrasia glabrescens"
* "Euphrasia heslop-harrisonii"
* "Euphrasia hirtella"
* "Euphrasia hudsoniana" – Hudson's Eyebright
* "Euphrasia marshallii"
* "Euphrasia micrantha"
* "Euphrasia minima"
* "Euphrasia nemorosa" – Common Eyebright
* "Euphrasia oakesii" – Oakes' Eyebright
* "Euphrasia officinalis" – Red Eyebright, "figwort"
* "Euphrasia ostenfeldii"
* "Euphrasia parviflora"
* "Euphrasia pseudokerneri" – Chalk Eyebright
* "Euphrasia randii" – Small Eyebright
* "Euphrasia rivularis"
* "Euphrasia rostkoviana"
* "Euphrasia rotundifolia"
* "Euphrasia ruptura" - extinct
* "Euphrasia salisburgensis"
* "Euphrasia scabra" R.Br. – Rough Eyebright
* "Euphrasia scottica"
* "Euphrasia semipicta" – Peninsula Eyebright
* "Euphrasia striata" R.Br.
* "Euphrasia stricta"
* "Euphrasia subarctica" – Arctic Eyebright
* "Euphrasia suborbicularis" – Roundleaf Eyebright
* "Euphrasia tatrae"
* "Euphrasia tetraquetra"
* "Euphrasia vernalis"
* "Euphrasia × vestita"
* "Euphrasia vigursii"
* "Euphrasia × villosa"
* "Euphrasia vinacea" – Glacier Eyebright
* "Euphrasia zelandica"
* "Euphrasia" sp. 'Bivouac Bay' [Also known as "Euphrasia" sp. 'fabula'; related to but not identical with "E. fabula".] – Bivouac Bay Eyebright



* (1987): "Traditional Folk Remedies". Century.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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