Arthur A. Goldberg

Arthur A. Goldberg

Arthur A. Goldberg J.D., Jersey City, New Jersey, is Executive Secretary of NARTH, Co-Founder and Co-Director, JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality), President of PATH (Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality) and Principal of the International Center for Gender Affirming Processes (CGAP) [NARTH: [ NARTH Officers] , retrieved July 19. 2008.] .

He was professor at the Connecticut University law school and Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey. [Reichenberg Fellowship: German Institute for Youth and Society: Bulletin 1/2008 p. 32, also available as [ PDF-Document] .]

"Goldberg, together with JONAH co-director Elaine Silodor Berk, uses Jewish law texts and scientific study to get to the individual root causes of SSA -- same sex attraction -- and help those who are unhappy with their lifestyle reassert their gender identity and change their life." [Seth Mandel in [ the Jewisch State] , november 9. 2007. ]

Recently he has written the Book: "Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change.", ISBN 978-09631478-9-9, which will be publisched this month [Red Heifer Press: [ catalog] . retrieved July 19. 2008. .] The Book has a chapter on gay parenting and references Mrs. Stefanowicz's story [Washington Post [ Confused] , retrieved July 9. 2008.]

Goldberg is Honorary Trustee at the "Congregation Shearith Israel" [Shearith Israel: [ General Information] , retrieved August 9. 2008.] The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York.


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