Skating on Thin Ice

Skating on Thin Ice

"Skating on Thin Ice" was a short-lived Australian celebrity reality television programme broadcast on the Nine Network in 2005. Hosted by Jamie Durie, nine celebrities learnt to skate with the ultimate goal being to perform with Disney on Ice, with proceeds going toward children's charity, CanTeen.

The celebrities included:
* Deni Hines - singer
* Kim Kilbey - presenter
* Imogen Bailey - model
* James Blundell - singer
* Belinda Green - former beauty queen
* Regina Bird - "Big Brother 3" winner
* Vince Sorrenti - comedian
* David Whitehill - presenter of "Hot Source"
* Peter Everett - presenter and home designer

Nine revived the concept more successfully in 2006 as "Torvill and Dean's Dancing on Ice", also hosted by Durie.

See also

* List of Australian television series
* List of Nine Network programs

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  • skating on thin ice — (skating) on thin ice phrase doing something dangerous, or something that could have an unpleasant result He’s on thin ice with those accusations. Thesaurus: in a difficult situationsynonym in a dangerous situationsynonym Main entry: thin …   Useful english dictionary

  • skating on thin ice —    If you are skating on thin ice, you are doing or saying something that could cause disagreement or trouble.     Don t mention that subject during the negotiations or you could be skating on thin ice …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • skating on thin ice — on thin ice or skating on thin ice at risk of upsetting or annoying someone I was on thin ice, and I knew it …   English dictionary

  • be skating on thin ice — be (skating/walking) on thin ice to be taking a big risk. They knew that by publishing the article they were skating on thin ice …   New idioms dictionary

  • skating on thin ice — is in a tough and dangerous situation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • (skating) on thin ice — idi in a precarious or delicate situation …   From formal English to slang

  • (be) skating on thin ice — be skating/walking on thin ˈice idiom to be taking a risk Main entry: ↑thinidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin ice — np A precarious situation. The company is not bankrupt but it is (skating) on thin ice. 1890s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • skate on thin ice — {v. phr.} To take a chance; risk danger, disapproval or anger. * /You ll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dad to increase your allowance again./ * /John knew he was skating on thin ice, but he could not resist teasing his sister about her… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • skate on thin ice — {v. phr.} To take a chance; risk danger, disapproval or anger. * /You ll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dad to increase your allowance again./ * /John knew he was skating on thin ice, but he could not resist teasing his sister about her… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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