Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation

Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation

Infobox Union
name= ASMOF
country= Australia
affiliation= ACTU
full_name= Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation

office= Glebe, New South Wales
website= []

The Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF) is an Australian trade union, affiliated with the Australian Council of Trade Unions, that represents doctors who receive salaries. In Australia doctors operate as self-employed trades-people, or as salaried employees of clinics, hospitals, or other organisations. ASMOF represents the interests of salaried doctors as employees. ASMOF has a federated state-based structure, with state branches playing a major role in its operation. The state-based structure of the union is largely a function of Australian states being primarily responsible for health care regulation and funding. ASMOF represents more than 5000 doctors across Australia.


ASMOF affiliated with the ACTU in 1991. ASMOF was the result of a long federation process operating between different state-based salaried doctors' associations. In the early 1980s these organisations formed the Australian Council of Salaried Medical Officers' Organisations, though which they sought better coordination of the interests of doctors as employees.

tate branches

Much of the history of ASMOF is the history of its state branches prior to federation.
*The NSW state branch was known as the Public Medical Officers' Association prior to 1991, an Association that had been in existence prior to 1972.
*The Queensland branch, ASMOFQ, was only registered as a state based union in 2000.
*In Tasmania and the Northern Territory, the state branch of ASMOF is also the state branch of the Australian Medical Association

External links

* [ Official website]

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