Gonatista reticulata

Gonatista reticulata

name =

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Gonatista reticulata"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Mantodea
familia = Mantidae
genus = "Gonatista"
species = "G. reticulata"
binomial = "Gonatista phryganoides"
binomial_authority = Thunberg

"Gonatista reticulata" is a species of praying mantis from the Caribbean. According to one entomologist's notes:

This species is represented in the collection of the National Museum by two males from (Puerto Rico). It is closest to grisea but the two specimens before me are lighter in color and the infuscation of the elytra is more profuse, covering about one half the total area. It is also a little larger. I place bifasciata Haan and cubensis Saussure as synonyms of this form. The measurements of the two males studied by me are as follows: Length, pronotum, 11-12 mm. ; elytra, 36-40 mm. [ [http://psyche.entclub.org/19/19-160.html] A. N. Caudell. Notes on the Mantid Genus Gonatista Sauss. Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. ]

ee also

*List of mantis genera and species


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