1806 in France

1806 in France

"See also:"
1805 in France,
other events of 1806,
1807 in France.


Events from the year 1806 in France.


*6 February - Battle of San Domingo, British naval victory over French squadron.
*February - France invaded the Kingdom of Naples.
*26 February - Siege of Gaeta begins. French besiege Neapolitan forces.
*10 March - Battle of Campo Tenese, decisive French victory over Neapolitan forces.
*8 April - Marriage of Stéphanie de Beauharnais, adopted daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte, to Prince Karl Ludwig Friedrich of Baden.
*5 June - Louis Bonaparte is appointed as king of Holland by his brother Napoleon.
*4 July - Battle of Maida, decisive British tactical victory over French forces.
*18 July - Siege of Gaeta ends as French artillery breaks through the city's defences.
*September - Prussia declares war on France, and is joined by Saxony and other minor German states.
*9 October - Battle of Schleiz, French victory over Prussia.
*10 October - Battle of Saalfeld, French victory over Prussian forces.
*14 October - Battle of Jena-Auerstedt, decisive French victory over Prussia.
*24 October - French forces enter Berlin.
*6 November - Battle of Lübeck, French victory over Prussian forces.
*21 November - Berlin Decree, issued by Napoleon, forbidding the import of British goods into European countries allied with or dependent upon France.
*24 November - The last major Prussian field force surrenders to the French near Lübeck.
*30 November - Napoleon captures Warsaw.
*11 December - Treaty of Poznań, ended the war between France and Saxony (Prussia’s ally).
*26 December - Battle of Pułtusk, inconclusive battle leading to Russian retreat.
*26 December - Battle of Golymin, Russian forces disengaged successfully from superior French forces.


*13 January - Michel Chevalier, engineer, statesman and economist (d.1879).
*1 February - François Jouffroy, sculptor (d.1882).
*12 August - Adolphe Granier de Cassagnac, journalist and politician (d.1880).
*28 October - Alphonse Pyrame de Candolle, botanist (d.1893).
*3 December - Jacques-Marie-Achille Ginoulhiac, Bishop (d.1875).

Full date unknown

*Charles-Théodore Colet, Roman Catholic Archbishop (d.1883).


*2 February - Nicolas-Edme Rétif, novelist (b.1734).
*22 April - Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, naval officer (b.1763).
*23 June - Mathurin Jacques Brisson, zoologist and natural philosopher (b.1723).
*22 August - Jean-Honoré Fragonard, painter and printmaker (b.1732).
*23 August - Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, physicist (b.1736).


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