Infobox Website
name =
type = Social network service

caption = screenshot
url =
commercial = Yes
type = Micro-blogging
language = English
registration = Required
owner = Standard Antics, LLC
author = Sean McCullough, Adam Duffy, Ryan Merket
launch date = March 7, 2008
current status = Open Beta
revenue = Private Funding is a free social networking and micro-blogging web service that enables users to post to multiple social networks simultaneously.

Making an update on pushes the update to a number of different social websites at once. This allows individuals using multiple social networks to update their status only once, without having to update it in all their social mediums individually. groups services into three categories – status updates, blogs, and micro-blogs – and updates can be sent to each group separately.

History was created with the intent of making it as easy as possible to post updates to multiple social networking sites simultaneously. The idea came about when creators were updating status messages with micro-blogging sites Twitter and Tumblr. The idea of posting the exact same information in two places seemed a bit tedious, so was born.

Open Beta

After 6 months of being in closed beta, an announcement was made on [] Sep 2, 2008 that would no longer require private invite beta codes to be used to register and use the service. The launch into Open Beta was covered by outlets like "Wired", [cite web |url=| Epicenter from| is 'Open for Business' |accessdate=2008-09-3] and "Mashable" [cite web |url=|title=Status Updating Service Now in Open Beta]

Comparisons with similar websites has been compared favorably to other websites with similar functionality like HelloTxt.

Technology is powered by LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) with some .NET used in the core software. An API allows programmers to apply for an application key in order to develop third party applications. Users must apply for an API key through their user profile.

upported services

A user can configure his or her account to aggregate content to the following services:

* Bebo
* Blogger
* Brightkite
* Custom URL
* Delicious
* Facebook
* FriendFeed
* Friendster
* hi5
* Jaiku
* Kwippy
* Koornk
* LinkedIn
* LiveJournal
* Mashable
* MySpace
* Plaxo
* Plurk
* Pownce
* Rejaw
* Tumblr
* Twitter
* Xanga
* Yahoo360
* Diigo
* Multiply
* YouAre

3rd Party Applications



* [ helps platform overkill + Invites]
* [ centralizes status updates]
* [ Update All Your Lifestreams from One Site]
* [ Company Profile]

External links

* []
* [ Blog]
* [ Customer service & support for]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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