George Martens

George Martens

George William Martens (1874 – 23 August 1949) was an Australian politician. Born in Mount Perry, Queensland, he received a primary education before becoming a bushworker. He was active in the trade union movement, notably the Sugar Workers Union, and was an organiser with the Australian Workers' Union, of which he eventually became Queensland secretary. In 1928, he was elected to the Australian House of Representatives as the Labor member for Herbert, defeating the sitting Nationalist Lewis Nott. He held the seat until 1946, when he retired from politics to become director of Commonwealth Oil Refineries. Martens died in 1949.cite web|last=Carr|first=Adam|title=Australian Election Archive|work=Psephos, Adam Carr's Election Archive|url=|year=2008|accessdate=2008-07-16]


NAME = Martens, George William
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Australian politician
PLACE OF BIRTH = Mount Perry, Queensland
DATE OF DEATH = 23 August 1946

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