Stand up paddle surfing

Stand up paddle surfing

"Stand Up Paddle", (SUP), is an emerging global sport with a Hawaiian heritage. It can be traced back to the early days of Polynesia. The sport is ancient form of surfing and began as a way for surfing instructors to manage their large groups of learner surfers as standing on the board gave them a higher view point increasing visibility of what was going on around them such as incoming swell. To begin with, this started with using a one bladed paddle standing on a normal length surfboard. The popularity of the modern sport of SUP has its origination in the Hawaiian Islands. In the early 1960s the Beach Boys of Waikiki would stand on their long boards and paddle out with outrigger paddles to take pictures of the tourists learning to surf. This is where the term "Beach Boy Surfing" originates, another name for Stand Up Paddle Surfing. [cite web|url=|title=Stand Up Paddle Surfing Global - The History of Stand Up Paddle Surfing||accessdate=2008-08-09|last=|first=]

Today SUP, or Stand-Up-Paddle, is gaining popularity as the demands for global-conscious green sports increase. Additionally the sport benefits athletes with a strong 'core' workout. SUP'ing is popular at warm coastal climates and resorts, and is gaining in popularity as celebrities are sampling the sport and cross-over athletes are training with SUP. SUPs have been spotted around the globe anywhere there is easy access to safe waters as well as in the surfing lineups of the world. [ [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing Information] ]

The first "modern" surfer to bring Stand Up Paddle Surfing out of Hawaii and onto mainland USA was Vietnam veteran Rick Thomas. In 2000 Rick, on a 11ft Muñoz board and with a Leleo Kinimaka paddle introduced California to the new sport. [cite web|url=|title=Stand Up Paddle Surfing Global - Interview with Rick Thomas||accessdate=2008-08-09|last=|first=]

Surfers have converted because of the versitilty of the new sport. Stand up paddle boarding offers surfs the ability to catch more waves in a set, as well as offers a better view of incoming sets.

Most new custom SUP board prices range from $900 to $1500 new, and most consist of composite epoxy construction. The boards are generally longer than 9 feet and up to 12 feet in length with features such as padded decks, concave hulls, and generally have 1 or 3 surfboard style fins in the stern for stability.

ee also

* Surfing
* Paddleboarding


External links

* [ C4 Waterman Stand Up Paddles, Boards and Accessories Hawaii]
* [ Blueline Standup Paddle Surf Santa Barbara]
* [ Stand Up Zone - Stand Up Paddle Surfing Discussion Forum]
* [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing Magazine]
* [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing Global]
* [ is an e-magazine for stand up paddle surfing]
* [http://www. SUP Information]
* [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing news and articles]
* [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing Information]
* [ Stand up paddle]
* [ Stand up paddle surfing history]
* [ Stand up paddle surfing Information]
* [ Eco-Friendly Stand Up Paddle Information]
* [ Stand Up Paddle Surfing Blog]
* [ Stand up paddle UK]
* [ Stand Up Paddling Videos]

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