


image_width = 240px
image_caption = Tree Germander ("Teucrium fruticans")
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Asteridae
unranked_ordo = Euasterids I
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Lamiaceae
genus = "Teucrium"
genus_authority = L. (1753)
type_species = "Teucrium fruticans" L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = Several, see text
synonyms ="Monochilon" Dulac
"Holocheila" (Kudô) S. Chow
"Kinostemon" Kudô
Source: INGcite web
url = http://botany.si.edu/ing/INGsearch.cfm?searchword=Teucrium
title = "Teucrium"
accessdate = 2008-06-04
date = 1996-02-09
format = HTML
work = Index Nominum Genericorum
publisher = International Association for Plant Taxonomy

"Teucrium" is a genus of perennial plants, of the family Lamiaceae. Common names for this genus include germanders. These species are herbs, shrubs or subshrubs. They are most common in Mediterranean climates.

A uniqueVerify source|date=November 2007 feature of this genus among Lamiaceae is that the flowers completely lack the upper lip of the corolla, although it is somewhat reduced also in other genera ("Ajuga" among them).

Several are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the "Coleophora" case-bearers "Coleophora auricella" and "Coleophora chamaedriella". The latter is only known from Wall Germander.

"Teucrium" species are rich in essential oils. Humans value germanders as ornamental plants and pollen source, and some species have culinary and/or medical value.

elected species

* "Teucrium ajugaceum"
* "Teucrium argutum"
* "Teucrium balfourii"
* "Teucrium balthazaris"
* "Teucrium botrys" – Cut-leaved Germander
* "Teucrium canadense" – American Germander
* "Teucrium capitatum"
* "Teucrium chamaedrys" – Wall Germander
* "Teucrium corymbosum"
* "Teucrium cossonii" – Fruity Teucrium
* "Teucrium cubense"
* "Teucrium flavum" – Yellow Germander
* "Teucrium fruticans" – Tree Germander, Shrubby Germander, Bush Germander
* "Teucrium glandulosum"
* "Teucrium grandiusculum"
* "Teucrium laciniatum" – Lacy Germander
* "Teucrium marum" Cat Thyme
* "Teucrium polium" – Felty Germander
* "Teucrium pyrenaicum"
* "Teucrium racemosum"
* "Teucrium scordium" – Water Germander
* "Teucrium scorodonia" – Woodland Germander
* "Teucrium socotranum"
* "Teucrium townsendii"
** "Teucrium townsendii" ssp. "affine"
** "Teucrium townsendii" var. "townsendii"

ee also

* Diascordium
* Venice treacle


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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