- Teucrium
image_width = 240px
image_caption =Tree Germander ("Teucrium fruticans")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
subclassis =Asteridae
unranked_ordo =Euasterids I
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Lamiaceae
genus = "Teucrium"
genus_authority = L. (1753)
type_species = "Teucrium fruticans " L.
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = Several, see text
synonyms ="Monochilon" Dulac
"Holocheila" (Kudô) S. Chow
"Kinostemon" Kudô
Source: INGcite web
url = http://botany.si.edu/ing/INGsearch.cfm?searchword=Teucrium
title = "Teucrium"
accessdate = 2008-06-04
date = 1996-02-09
format = HTML
work = Index Nominum Genericorum
publisher =International Association for Plant Taxonomy ]"Teucrium" is a
genus ofperennial plant s, of the familyLamiaceae . Common names for this genus include germanders. Thesespecies areherb s,shrub s orsubshrub s. They are most common inMediterranean climate s.A uniqueVerify source|date=November 2007 feature of this genus among
Lamiaceae is that the flowers completely lack the upper lip of the corolla, although it is somewhat reduced also in other genera ("Ajuga " among them).Several are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species including the "Coleophora " case-bearers "Coleophora auricella " and "Coleophora chamaedriella ". The latter is only known fromWall Germander ."Teucrium" species are rich in
essential oil s. Humans value germanders asornamental plant s andpollen source , and some species have culinary and/or medical value.elected species
* "
Teucrium ajugaceum "
* "Teucrium argutum "
* "Teucrium balfourii "
* "Teucrium balthazaris "
* "Teucrium botrys " – Cut-leaved Germander
* "Teucrium canadense " – American Germander
* "Teucrium capitatum "
* "Teucrium chamaedrys " – Wall Germander
* "Teucrium corymbosum "
* "Teucrium cossonii " – Fruity Teucrium
* "Teucrium cubense "
* "Teucrium flavum " – Yellow Germander
* "Teucrium fruticans " – Tree Germander, Shrubby Germander, Bush Germander
* "Teucrium glandulosum "
* "Teucrium grandiusculum "
* "Teucrium laciniatum " – Lacy Germander
* "Teucrium marum " Cat Thyme
* "Teucrium polium " – Felty Germander
* "Teucrium pyrenaicum "
* "Teucrium racemosum "
* "Teucrium scordium " – Water Germander
* "Teucrium scorodonia " – Woodland Germander
* "Teucrium socotranum "
* "Teucrium townsendii "
** "Teucrium townsendii" ssp. "affine"
** "Teucrium townsendii" var. "townsendii"ee also
*Venice treacle References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.