Nord SS.10

Nord SS.10

Infobox Weapon

caption=SS.10 Missile at the US Redstone testing ground on 29 March 1961
era=Cold War
launch_platform=Individual, Vehicle
target= armoured vehicle
manufacturer=Nord Aviation
production_date= 1955 - 1962
service= 1955 -
used_by=France, US
spec_type=anit-tank guided missile
diameter= 0.16 m
wingspan=0.75 m
length= 0.86 m
weight= 15 kg
speed=80 m/s
vehicle_range= 500 to 1600 m
ceiling= n/a
filling= 5 kg HEAT
engine=solid-fuel rocket
steering= control surfaces
guidance= wire
number=30,000 missiles

SS.10 is the designation of the Nord Aviation MCLOS wire-guided Anti-tank missile. In American service the missile was called the MGM-21A. The missile entered service in 1955 with the French army. It was used briefly by the US army in the early 1960s. The missile ceased production in January 1962 after approximately 30,000 missiles had been built.


Development began in France in 1948, when the Arsenal de l'Aéronautique in Châtillon sous Bagneux began looking at the possibility of developing the German X-7 missile further. The missile was designed to be che
SS-10 (Surface to Surface).

The US army procured 500 missiles and three sets of launching equipment to evaluate a prototype version of the missile between early 1952 and October 1953, but concluded that the missile was not currently ready for use, but that the continued development should be monitored [cite web|url=|title=Development of the Shilleagh Missile|author=US Army] . After development of the missile was completed the US successfully re-evaluated the missile in mid-1958, and the later SS-11 and Entac missiles were procured for Army use.


The missile was used by Israel in the 1956 Suez Crisis against Egyptian tanks.

The US army was interested in the missile from an early stage, but pursued development of their own missile - the SSM-A-23 "Dart" missile. However after the SSM-A-23 was cancelled in 1958 they began to consider procuring the SS.10 and SS.11 missiles. In February 1959 they decided to buy the SS.10 as a stopgap. The missile was delivered in January 1960. The missile was phased out in 1963 in favour of the MGM-32 Entac. The missile received the designation MGM-21A.

It is probable this missile was used as the basis for the Soviet AT-1 Snapper missile.


In flight the missile is steered by an unusual arrangement of electrically powered vibrating spoilers, the power for these spoilers is transmitted to the missile along the guidance wires from the operator's station. Since the missile spins in flight, a gyroscope is needed to determine which spoilers are currently up/down or left/right. Guiding the missile to the target is very demanding and requires a high level of operator skill and concentration - this is typical with MCLOS guided missiles.

General characteristics

* Length: 860 mm
* Wingspan: 750 mm
* Diameter: 165 mm
* Launch weight: 15 kg
* Speed: 80 m/s
* Range: 500 to 1600 m
* Guidance: wire-guided MCLOS
* Warhead: 5 kg Hollow-charge 400 mm versus RHA



* Nord-5201 - Two winged prototype.
* Nord-5202 - Four winged prototype.
* Nord-5203 - Final production version.

Production versions

* SS-10 / MGM-21A


;flag|France;flag|Israel;flag|United States

External links

* "in Russian"


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