

Infobox Settlement
official_name = L'Estère
native_name = "Lestè"
settlement_type = Municipality

pushpin_label_position = left
pushpin_map_caption = Location in Haiti
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name =
subdivision_type1 = Department
subdivision_name1 = Artibonite
subdivision_type2 = Arrondissement
subdivision_name2 = Gonaïves
area_total_km2 = |population_as_of = date|7 August 2003
population_footnotes = ["Institut Haïtien de Statistique et d'Informatique" (IHSI)]
population_total = 26,174
population_density_km2 =
latd=19 |latm=20 |lats=0 |latNS=N
longd=72 |longm=40 |longs=0 |longEW=W
elevation_m = 5

L'Estère (Creole: "Lestè") is a municipality in the Gonaïves Arrondissement, in the Artibonite Department of Haiti.It has 80,000 inhabitants.This historical city of 80,000 inhabitants is where the famous battle of the revolution took place on February 23, 1803 between the troops of Rochambeau and Dessalines at the Ravine-a-Couleuvre.


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