- Steve Cotter
Steve Cotter is a world renowned martial artist and strength and conditioning instructor. He is the owner of FullKOntact Kettlebells and Full KOntact
Fitness . Steve, in a very short period of time, has been recognized with the designation of the Senior RKC (RussianKettlebell Challenge Instructor) status. [ [http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/cotter.htm Bodybuilding.com Writer: Steve Cotter - Senior RKC Instructor & US National Full Contact Kuoshu Champion ] ]Professional Background
Steve Cotter began formal training in physical development when he was 12 years old with the Internal Chinese
Martial Arts system called hsing-I ch’aun. He then trainedgong fu full time throughout high school and into his mid twenties. Although Cotter loved physical development, he never played any organized sports. Cotter’s last competition in full contact fighting was in 1996 inTaiwan . He fought for theUSA Full Contact Kuoshu team in the World Championships, after he won 2 USA titles in 1995 and 1996. In early 1997 Cotter began college full time and eventually received his degree inKinesiology . In 2005 he began competing in Girevoy Sport Competitions and was the captain of the first ever USA team to compete in aninternational competition inMoscow ,Russia . [ [http://www.dieselcrew.com/articles-pdf/stevecotter.pdf Q1 ] ]Biography
Cotter now lives in San Diego and is a married father of three. He teaches seminars all throughout the US and increasingly overseas. [ [http://search.everyzing.com/viewMedia.jsp?res=0&dedupe=1&col=en-all-public-ep&index=5&e=19030646&playIndex=3&channelTitle=emerging+markets&num=6&s=PZSID_0000007892;Fitness+Business+Radio&start=4&expand=true&match=none&bc=42,41,40&filter=0 EveryZing - Fitness Business Radio - Steve Cotter DiscussesKettlebell Training as a Profit Center - Show #109 ] ]
Professional Accredations
• 2 time US Full Contact Champion
• Team Member, USA National Kuoshu Team
• Bronze Medal Winner, 1996 World
Kuoshu Games,Taiwan , R.O.C.• Team Captain on First-ever USA Team to compete in World Championships of Girevoy Sport (Kettlebells); Moscow, Russia, 2005
• Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) - National Strength & Conditioning Assoc. (NSCA) [ 403 Forbidden ] ]
• Sr. Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor (RKC, Sr.) [ [http://www.nccma.co.uk/kettlebells.htm Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Kickboxing, Yoga, Traditional and Competition Fighting, Personal Training - NCCMA ] ]
• Creator of Full K.O.ntact Kettlebells™ System and DVD series
• B.S. in Kinesiology,
San Diego State University •
BOSU ™ Master Trainer• USA
Weightlifting Club Coach• Health/Fitness Instructor- American Colleges of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
• Trained in Dean Brittenham’s Elite Athletic Program-Shiley’s Sports Center
• Strength and conditioning instructor for the NFL's San Francisco 49ers and San Diego Chargers as well as other professional sports teams, and the US Marines at Quantico Marine Corps Base. [ [http://www.49ers.com/pressbox/news_detail.php?PRKey=1193 Official Site of the San Francisco 49ers - NEWS ] ]
External Links
[http://www.fullkontact.com Official Steve Cotter Website]
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