Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

Infobox Lost character
Title=Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

Flashback1= "Numbers"
"Exodus, Part 2"
"Everybody Hates Hugo"
"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"
"The Beginning Of The End"
"There's No Place Like Home"
Name=Hugo "Hurley" Anthony Reyes
Actor=Jorge Garcia
Spoken Wikipedia|Hugo "Hurley" Reyes.ogg|2006-08-27

Hugo Reyes, better known by the nickname "Hurley", is a fictional character on the ABC television series "Lost" played by Jorge Garcia. Reyes at times serves as the show's comic relief, but in episodes focusing on him, is portrayed in a more serious light.

Fictional character biography

Prior to the crash

Hugo hails from Los Angeles. As a child, Hurley's father (who was helping Hurley attempt to fix an old Camaro) left the family, and Hugos' sadness and self-doubt (believing as many abandoned children do that his Fathers' leaving was his fault) caused him to gain weight. Later in life, Hurley was involved in an accident, in which a deck (designed to hold only 8 people) collapsed as he stepped onto it, killing two people. Even though there were 23 people on the deck prior to his arrival, Hugo felt tremendous guilt and sank into a depressive state, doing nothing but overeating. Worrying about his mental state, Hugo's mother put him in a mental institution, the same one that Locke's mother was once treated, and also where Libby was then a patient. He met Leonard, a patient who kept mumbling 4 8 15 16 23 42. Hugo also met and befriended Dave, the only other normal person, in his opinion, in the asylum, and the two would often create mischief behind the doctors' backs. However, when Hugo learned that Dave was merely imaginary, Dave tempted Hugo to break out of the institution; he instead saw Dave out first before closing the window behind him. Having recovered from his previous stress, Hugo was released.

Hugo resumed his job at a fast-food restaurant, and moved back in with his mother. He decided to use the numbers that Leonard kept saying to play the lottery. While watching television one night, Hurley learned that he had won a 16-week roll over on the lottery, earning him $114m. He then quit his job, along with his friend, and embarked on a care-free day; it came to an abrupt end when his friend learned of his recent winnings. Since winning the lottery, however, Hugo began experiencing constant cases of bad luck; his grandfather died while being interviewed live on television, his brother's wife left him for a waitress, and the priest at his grandfather's funeral was struck by lightning. Hugo bought his mother a new house, only to discover that it had caught on fire, and was almost immediately arrested after being mistaken for a drug dealer. Following these mishaps, Hugo's net worth drastically increased following even more bad luck, including the death of a well-known news reporter, Tricia Tanaka. It was then that Hugo suspected the numbers he used to win the lottery were cursed. He visited the mental institution again to speak with Leonard. Hugo learned of the origins of the numbers being in Australia.

Before Hugo could make his trek to Australia, he was surprised when his father returned from his absence and moved back in with Hugo and his mother. His father teased Hugo about his weight, causing even further resentment from an already hurt and resentful Hugo. His father convinced him to go to a psychic to "cure" his curse, but Hugo discovered (with a well-placed bribe) that his father had paid the pyschic to lie to Hugo. After this, Hugo gave up on his father and packed to leave for Australia. However, his father came to him and confessed that originally he only came back for a piece of Hugo's money, but then insinuated that he had renewed love for his estranged wife and son, and then encourages Hugo to do what he wanted to do - give the money away, saving only enough for the two of them to finally fix the Camaro and travel to the Grand Canyon, just as they'd always wanted. Hugo denied his father, who told Hugo that no matter what, he would still be there when Hugo returned, wanting Hugo to know that he wanted a relationship.

Once in Australia, Hugo visited the wife of Sam Toomey, the man who heard the numbers along with Leonard. She revealed that Sam was driven to suicide to escape his constant bad luck. Hugo attempted to fly home, but was faced with more obstacles brought on, including a packed elevator (which Charlie was on), his car running low on gas, and being delayed at check-in. He eventually made his way to the gate, just in time to be granted access on the plane. Unfortunately, the plane crashed- something Hugo believes may be the result of his curse.

After the crash

eason 1

Hurley maintains a friendly persona since the crash. During the chaos post-crash, Hurley looks after Claire at Jack's request(moving her away from the crash and keeping watch on her false labor, and later sleeping next to her during the first night and giving her two helpings of dinner rather than one) and witnesses first hand Jack's heroics. After this, Hurley and Jack form a close bond- Jack realises immediately that Hurley is a dependable ally, and Hurley recognises Jack's leadership capabilities and becomes very loyal. He tries to help out whenever possible, most noticeably when Jack attempts to treat Edward Mars, but his hemophobia gets the better of him. He also helps the group by placing himself in charge of rationing the remaining food and water from the Plane. He is also shown to be good-hearted, most noticeably seen when he gives pregnant Claire two helpings of dinner instead of one, and frequently goes out of his way to engage other survivors in conversation. Unfortunately, this effort goes unrequited from castaway Jin, whom Hurley is convinced hates him for "spoiling his honor" when he refuses to eat sushi Jin has prepared. He moves into the caves with some of the other survivors, where he discovers a pack of golf clubs. Inspired, Hurley creates a golf course, in order to ease the stress and tension from being stranded. It proves to be a success. When Claire claims to have been attacked one night, Hurley offers to create a census, asking every survivor their names. When he has a look at the official flight manifest, which was taken by Sawyer, he discovers that Ethan was never on the flight, and raises the alarm.

In one of Jin's flashbacks, where he first goes to send a message to the safety officer, the officer's daughter is watching TV and Hurley is seen on it in a white Tee-Shirt getting into a car.

Hurley develops a friendship with Charlie, and the two get along quite quickly. However, Hurley grows concerned when Charlie's exhibits strange behaviour, particularly when the two bury Ethan. The next day, Hurley witnesses Sun's revelation that she speaks fluent English - he is shocked due to earlier predictions that her husband was the one who spoke English. When Hurley looks at the maps that Sayid recovered from Rousseau, Hurley discovers a sheet of paper containing the cursed numbers. He treks into the jungle in search of Rousseau, with Jack, Sayid and Charlie in pursuit. After being separated from the rest of the group, Hurley eventually encounters Rousseau, where she reveals that the numbers brought her to the island, and agrees that they are cursed. He later presents Sayid with a battery, which was needed for the raft.

That night, during a heart-to-heart, he tells Charlie about his wealth. Charlie does not take him seriously, and storms off. Hurley also begins to mend his strained relationship with Jin by accompanying him on fishing trips, and the two begin to form a bond. One morning, Rousseau arrives on the beach and warns the camp that the Others are coming. She then leads Hurley, Jack, Kate, Locke and Arzt into the jungle, where they make a brief encounter with the "Monster". They soon arrive at a ship called the Black Rock, which contains some dynamite. After witnessing Arzt's unexpected demise, Hurley blames himself due to his consistent bad luck. However, the four of them return to the hatch, where Hurley, after discovering the number on the side of the hatch, tries to prevent the detonation. However, the hatch is blown open regardless, and the four of them peer inside.

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Hurley is brought into the hatch a few days later, and is given the task of checking the food inventory, much to his resentment and fear steming from his past experiences of losing friends from having what they don't. He brings Rose in to help him, as she was the only person not curious about the hatch. After being confronted by Kate and Charlie regarding the inventory, Hurley, believing everyone will hate him, attempts to blow up the food with dynamite, but Rose manages to talk him out of it. As an alternative, Hurley decides to distribute the food freely, explaining to Jack that there is no feasible way to ration it. Jack, trusting Hurley, agrees.

Shortly after the arrival of the tail-section survivors, Hurley takes a liking to Libby and, after some coaxing, decides to speak to her. The two bond fairly quickly, despite Hurley finding her remarkably familiar. However, Sawyer eventually discovers Hurley's secret food stash, and blackmails him into helping him. Hurley agrees, shrugging off Sawyer's threats to reveal his stash. One morning, he and Libby go jogging together, where Hurley, guilty over hoarding food and wanting to change, decides to tell her about his food stash. The two of them destroy it together, only to learn of the food drop from the night before. The Oceanic survivors suggest Hurley take over the rationing of the food, a suggestion Hurley vehemently opposes. It is then that Hurley begins seeing his imaginary friend, Dave, from his days at the mental institution.

He breaks away from Libby and the rest of the camp, and restarts his eating habits, under the influence of Dave. Dave then leads Hurley to a cliff-top, convinces him that he is still at the institution in a coma and says the only way to "wake up" is to jump off the cliff, which he does himself. Hurley is about to jump when Libby stops him and makes him see reason. The two kiss before returning to camp. He then plans a surprise picnic for her, but forgets to bring blankets. Libby offers to retrieve them for him. After a confrontation with Neil [ [ DarkUFO Blogspot - Lost Mobisode Episode 2] ] , Hurley learns of Libby being shot and rushes to her side. She coughs out Michael's name before dying. Due to a combination of grief and his own natural passivity, Hurley declines the offer to help Michael rescue Walt from The Others. However, after speaking at Libby's and Ana Lucia's funeral, he changes his mind. He sets off, along with Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Michael across the jungle. During this trek, Hurley is surprised and disturbed when a bird flies overhead screeching what sounds like his name. After Micheal is exposed as a traitor by Jack following a confrontation with The Others, Hurley angrily and disappointedly confronts Micheal, and later Jack for bringing them along on a mission when he knew it to be a trap. Eventually, they are led off course by Micheal, and ambushed by The Others. They are tied, gagged and blindfolded, and brought to a pier. Hurley is released and instructed to return to his camp and never to return, something he is reluctant to do, but agrees after a signal from Jack.

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Hurley encounters Locke and Charlie on his way back, as well as Desmond, telling him of Locke's speech to rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer. When Locke gives this speech later, after bringing Mr. Eko back, Hurley suspects Desmond of being able to see the future. Later, he and Charlie devise a plan to draw the truth from him by getting him drunk, only for it to backfire when Desmond angrily tackles Charlie. Later, Hurley follows Vincent into the jungle, where he discovers an old DHARMA van. He attempts to get help in overturning and starting it, but only manages to convince Jin. Sawyer later turns up and Hurley convinces him to help. It is then that Hurley pulls Charlie out of his depression and convinces him to help, cementing their friendship. Sawyer and Jin push the bus down a steep hill where Hurley wishes to jumpstart it. Just as they are about to crash, Hurley defies his curse chanting "You make your own luck, there is no curse" and miraculously starts the van. Later on, a cocky Sawyer bets against the camp that he can beat their best player in Ping Pong. Hurley ends up being their best, having been a near-championship level player in the past. He defeats Sawyer, causing him to refrain from nicknames for a week, which nearly cripples Sawyer in regards to Hurley.

Later, Hurley and Sawyer discover Nikki stumbling out of the jungle, uttering something. He mistakes her for dead and finds Paulo in the jungle in the same situation. After failing to find a certain cause of death, Hurley gives them a funeral. He fails to notice that Nikki had opened her eyes seconds before being buried. Hurley and Sawyer's burgeoning friendship strengthens when Hurley essentially cons Sawyer into being decent to his fellow castaways. When asked why, Hurley confides in Sawyer that he has nominated the conman to be the camps new interim leader. When Jack, Kate and Sayid return to the beach with Juliet in tow, Hurley is sent to keep an eye on her. The next day, Desmond asks Hurley to join him on a hike, along with Jin and Charlie. On their trek, they notice a parachutist bailing out of her helicopter, prompting them to head inland. They find Naomi hanging from a tree, and the four cut her loose.

Hurley accidentally fires one of her flares, attracting Mikhail to the scene. After he tends to Naomi's injuries, the four carry her back to the beach, where they hide her in Hurley's shelter. Later, Hurley and the others are shown Jack's plan to deter the Others from carrying out their kidnapping. Just as Charlie and Desmond set off to the , Hurley offers to join them, to which his offer is declined on account of his weight(in reality, Charlie sends Hurley away because Hurley will stop him sacrificing himself for the group). He instead accompanies Claire to the radio tower. That night, he witnesses the backfire of Jack's plan, but must press on with the other survivors. As Sawyer and Juliet head back to the beach, Hurley, feeling useless, again offers his services, where Sawyer once again denies his help, hurting his feelings. Hurley then heads for the van and drives it onto the beach, killing a top Other Ryan Price, giving Sawyer and Juliet the chance to save the rest. Once the other two are neutralised, Hurley radios Jack and informs him of their success and safety.

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Hurley and Jack speak on the radio, and Jack tells Hurley they were successful and that rescue is imminent. Hurley, overjoyed, tells Bernard about his lottery winnings and that he's certain that since the world thinks he's dead, he'll finally be free of the money and the curse. Between this thought and the rescue, Hurley cannonballs into the ocean in joy. However, when he wades out of the water he sees Desmond returning to shore with Charlie's message("Not Penny's Boat"). Hurley, uncaring about anything else, demands to know where Charlie is. Desmond informs him of Charlie's death, devastating Hurley.

As Desmond, Sawyer, Juliet and Sayid argue about whether or not to radio a warning to Jack, Hurley takes charge and hurls the radio into the ocean, nullifying the argument completely. He then suggests they arm up and go to Jack and warn him in person.

On the way to Jack, Hurley is withdrawn. Sawyer, wishing to help, asks Hurley if he's alright, in which Hurley responds that he can keep up. Sawyer presses that that wasn't what he meant, but Hurley declines the offer of talk. Hurley then falls behind and runs after the group in a panic, only to find Jacob's mysterious cabin. Hurley sees inside and runs away, screaming for help, only to bump into Locke.

Locke and Hurley agree that the freighter Jack called is not rescue and become determined to stop Jack and Hurley takes Locke to meet up with the rest. When the groups meet, Hurley relieves Desmond from telling Claire about Charlie, opting to do it himself. Hurley and Claire then break down together and embrace. Afterwards, Locke suggests the group take refuge at The Others' village, an offer Jack refuses. With the group dividing, Hurley takes a stand and tells Jack that he won't be going with him, citing that he isn't choosing anyone except Charlie, who sacrificed himself to warn them.

Hurley travels with Locke's group and quickly becomes disturbed by Locke's ideas and methods, especially when Locke takes freighter member Charlotte hostage. When Hurley speaks up, Locke bullies him into falling in line. Once they reach the village, Hurley is convinced to aid Locke in setting a trap for Sayid and Kate, where he pretends he has been exiled from the group for disobeying Locke. Once Sayid, Kate and Freighter member Miles are captured, Hurley apologises to Sayid while keeping a safe distance, despite Sayid's assurances that he won't harm him.

Hurley is put in charge of bringing Miles food, and eventually aids Kate in getting in to see Miles, albeit it unwittingly at first. Once the group settles in, Hurley and Sawyer become room mates in their designated Other-House by Locke, something that irks Sawyer a bit. Later, Hurley is present at the group meeting at Locke's house; there, he learns that the freighter's crew plans to kill everyone on the Island after they capture Ben.

Hurley is present playing RISK with Sawyer and Locke when the phone alert rings. He gets Aaron and hides in Bens house with everyone. He's the first to notice Claire's house was blown up and places Aaron in a safe makeshift crib. Once Sawyer arrives back with a disorientated Claire, Ben denies Hurley to open the door for them, so Hurley breaks the window to let them in, despite Ben's protests. Later Hurley follows Ben's instructions and flees the house with everyone else. When they go outside and see the monster he asks "Did you call that thing?" before he and the others escape to the treeline. Once Ben catches up to them, Locke and Sawyer argue over who is keeping Hurley when Sawyer decides he's going back to Jack and the beach. Hurley convinces them to stop arguing and goes with Locke and Benjamin to find Jacob.

Hurley refuses to actually meet Jacob, leaving Locke to venture in alone. Afterward, Hurley follows Ben and Locke to the Orchid Station, where Ben and Locke must move the Island. After Ben "turns himself in" to distract Keamy and his men (sent by Charles Widmore), Locke attempts to find the secret passage that leads to the actual station, while Hurley looks on. Sawyer and Jack finds him; Hurley is delighted both are still alive. After Locke and Jack argue about the Island, Ben, who escapes the mercenaries, tells Jack and his companions to leave the Island. Hurley follows them to the helicopter, where Lapidus is waiting. Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, and Lapidus then fly off the Island, towards the freighter. After a series of tense events, the chopper, which cannot land on the freighter, since it exploded, and the Island, which vanishes, the crew takes refuge on a raft. An impressed Hurley remarks Locke did move the Island, a concept Jack disagrees with. Penelope Widmore's rescue boat rescues them, and Hurley, along with the rest of the Oceanic Six, move on to Sumba, where civilization awaits them.

After the island

After leaving the island, Hurley and the other survivors are transported by cargo plane to a military base. During the flight, the pilot informs them that their families will be waiting at the base, along with reporters, who have begun calling the survivors the Oceanic Six. Hurley along with most of the others are reluctant to speak to the reporters, so Jack volunteers. Jack also reiterates their story, and what they are supposed to do. Upon landing, Hurley is reunited with his parents. He is also present when Oceanic Airlines holds a press conference to tell the survivors' story. A reporter questions them as to why they all look so healthy, having been on an island for over four months, and Hurley takes this to be a question of why he is still over-weight. The reporter denies this, asking him how it feels to get all of his money back. Hurley says that he doesn't want any of it back, claiming it is bad luck. Later he returns home to to his mansion to find it deserted. Growing concerned after finding a coconut on his floor and hearing strange whispers, he follows the sound and picks up a gold statue of Jesus as a makeshift weapon. He asks himself "Why am I doing this?" twice. When he opens the door where he hears the whispers coming from, he is greeted with a surprise birthday party thrown by his parents. Ironically, it is a party with tropical island theme. There he meets Aaron and Kate, who comments that Jack is running late. He also Meets Sayid and Nadia. Sayid comments that the party has an "Interesting choice of theme". Hurley replies that that his mom "really doesn't get it." Hurley's father then appears, wanting to show him his birthday present. It is Hurley's old Camaro, which his father fixed-up after the crash as a memorial to Hurley. His father asks if he wants to take it for a spin, and Hurley jumps at the idea. However, when he gets in the car, he notices that the milage is set to the Numbers. This greatly disturbs Hurley, and he accuses his father of making a joke. His father denies it, but Hurley is so disturbed that he runs away, yelling about how he doesn't want "Any of it".

When Sun, another member of the six, has her baby, Hurley arrives in Korea to congratulate her. He asks Sun if any of the others are coming. When answered in the negative, Hurley responds "Good". He and Sun then go to visit her husband Jin's grave.

Later, Hurley sees something in a convenience store that greatly disturbs him. He runs for it, drives off, and leads the police on a long chase, something which Jack watches on television. Hurley is arrested and repeatedly cries that he is a member of the Oceanic 6. Hurley is brought to the police station, where Ana-Lucia's old partner Mike Walton, now a Detective, heart brokenly asks Hurley if he knew Ana Lucia Cortez(suggesting a romantic attraction). Hurley guiltily lies and claims to have never met her. Walton leaves, and Hurley looks onto the two-way mirror and sees Charlie drowning with the words "THEY NEED YOU" written in marker on his hand, much like the words "NOT PENNYS BOAT" were written in the finale of the third season. The mirror breaks and water come pouring out, and Hurley screams for help. Walton comes back in and sarcastically suggests that he can put Hurley in a mental hospital, something which Hurley quickly jumps at, especially when he sees that the whole thing had been an illusion. Hurley then goes to Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute where he is approached by a man named Matthew Abbadon, who claims to be an attorney for Oceanic Airlines. He asks Hurley if he would like to transfer to a nicer place with an ocean view, but Hurley denies the offer, not wanting to ever see the Ocean. Hurley, suddenly suspicious of Abaddon, then asks for a business card, which Abaddon claims he left at home. Abbadon, looking sinister, asks Hurley is anyone else is still alive. Hurley then freaks out and calls for a nurse. When Hurley goes to point him out, he has left the room.

When Hurley is sitting on the grounds one day, he is approached by none other than Charlie. Hurley thinks he's going crazy again knowing that Charlie is dead. Charlie eventually convinces Hurley to sit down. Charlie admits to Hurley that he is indeed dead, but that he is also there. Hurley then tells Charlie he freaked out in the convenience store because he saw him there. Charlie then tells him that "They need you." Hurley closes his eyes and counts to five and Charlie is gone. Later, Jack (a much more stable and clean shaven one than seen in Through the Looking Glass) comes to see Hurley where they play a game of HORSE. Hurley, while glad to see him, knows that Jack isn't there to visit him and asks why he is there. Hurley thinks he's there because Jack thinks he's crazy and "is going to tell". Jack at first pretends that he's not there for this reason, but eventually fesses up. Jack then decides to leave. Hurley then apologizes to Jack about choosing to go with Locke instead of him, and Jack forgives him. Hurley then suggests that the Island wants them back, and that they should listen. Jack says that they never will go back. Hurley responds with,"Never say never, dude."

In Something Nice Back Home, Hurley's mental condition has deteriorated, and has refused to take his medications or participate in therapy sessions. Hurley's Doctor contacts Jack, who comes and visits him. Hurley insists to Jack that none of them really made it off the island and that they are all dead. As the conversation continues, Hurley opens a note which he claims is a message from Charlie. Hurley tells Jack that Charlie wanted him to know that "You are not supposed to raise him, Jack", in reference to Claire's son Aaron. Jack visibly becomes upset and warns Hurley to start taking his medications again. Hurley tells Jack that someone will be coming to visit him too.

In There's No Place Like Home, Hurley is visited by Walt who reveals that Jeremy Bentham visited him even though none of the Oceanic 6 had done so. Later, Hurley is visited by Sayid who is intent on taking Hurley from the mental institution. Hurley is afraid Sayid wants to take him back to the island and mentioned an encounter with Jeremy Bentham. Sayid only says he is taking Hurley to someplace safe, but not the island. Later it is revealed that Jeremy Bentham is in fact Locke.


* Hugo used the word "dude" 214 times in the course of the show (till the end of season 4)Fact|date=August 2008
* Jorge Garcia was the first actor cast for the first season of Lost, as mentioned in the featurette, "Before They Were Lost," in the first season DVD.
* Hurley was the last member of the initial cast to be featured in a flashback, though Shannon did not have one from her perspective until later on.
* Young Hurley is played by Caden Waidyatilleka.
* Hurley appears in the : The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt, Arzt and Crafts, and Jin has a Temper Tantrum.


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