

Reyes is a Spanish word, usually used as a given name or family name. The literal translation into English is kings.

Various people with the family name Reyes including:
* Al Reyes (born 1970), Major League Baseball pitcher for the Tampa Bay Rays
* Alisa Reyes (born 1981), American actress
* Anthony Reyes (born 1981), American baseball pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals
* Dennys Reyes (born 1977), Mexican baseball pitcher for the Minnesota Twins
* Efren "Bata" Reyes (born 1954), Philippines pool player
* Ernie Reyes, Jr. - American Taekwondo practitioner and actor
* Ernie Reyes, Sr. - martial arts champion and Hall of Famer
* Faustino Reyes (born 1975), Spanish boxer
* Ginger Reyes (born 1980), American rock musician
* José Reyes (born 1983), Dominican baseball player for the New York Mets
* José Antonio Reyes Calderón (born 1983), Spanish international and SL Benfica football player
* Judy Reyes (born 1968), American actress
* Nap Reyes (1919-1995), Cuban baseball player
* Ricky Reyes (born 1978), Cuban American professional wrestler
* Ron Reyes, a singer for the band Black Flagfamily name
* Silvestre Reyes (born 1944), American politician from the state of Texas

Fictional characters named Reyes include:
* Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, from the television series "Lost"
* Cecilia Reyes, from the comic book series "X-Men"
* Sofia Reyes, a fictional recurring character in the American dramedy series Ugly Betty
* Monica Reyes, a fictional FBI Agent in The X-Files

Reyes may also refer to:
* Reyes rendering, image rendering method
* Reye's Syndrome
* Point Reyes, a prominent cape on the Pacific coast of northern California, USA
* Reyes, Bolivia, a town (province capital) in the Beni Department, Bolivia

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