Sankar Chatterjee

Sankar Chatterjee

Infobox Person
name = Sankar Chatterjee

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known_for = Study of prehistoric vertebrates
occupation = paleontologist
nationality =

Sankar Chatterjee is a paleontologist, and is the Paul W. Horn Professor of Geosciences at Texas Tech University and Curator of Paleontology at the Museum of Texas Tech University. [ [ Texas Tech University :: Young Investigators] ] He earned his Ph. D. from the University of Calcutta in 1970 and was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution from 1977-1978. [ [ Sankar Chatterjee] ]

Dr. Chatterjee's has focused on the origin, evolution, functional anatomy, and systematics of Mesozoic vertebrates, including basal archosaurs, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and birds. [ [ Handbook of Texas Online - VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY] ] He has researched Late Triassic reptiles in India, such as phytosaurs, rhynchosaurs, and prolacertiformes. He is best known for his work on vertebrates recovered in the 1980s from the Post Quarry in the Late Triassic Cooper Canyon Formation (Dockum Group) of West Texas. The material includes the large rauisuchian "Postosuchus", which was named for the nearby town of Post. It also included controversial specimens Chatterjee identified as being avian ("Protoavis"). The identification of these specimens as avian would push back the origin of birds by at least 75 million years. [ Paleontology Division: Dr. Sankar Chatterjee] ]

In 2008, Chatterjee and Rick Lind designed a 30-inch unmanned aerial vehicle with a large, thin rudder inspired by the crest of a Tapejara.

Genera named


*"The Rise of Birds "
*"New Concepts in Global Tectonics"
*"Posture, Locomotion, and Paleoecology of Pterosaurs"


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