Psilocybe fimetaria

Psilocybe fimetaria

name = "Psilocybe fimetaria"

regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
ordo = Agaricales
familia = Strophariaceae
genus = Psilocybe
species = "P. fimetaria"
binomial = "Psilocybe fimetaria"
binomial_authority = Orton
synonyms =

range_map_width = 240px
range_map_caption = Range of "Psilocybe fimetaria"
name = Psilocybe fimetaria
whichGills = adnate
whichGills2 = sinuate
capShape = convex

Psilocybe fimetaria, is a psilocybin mushroom, having psilocybin and psilocin as main active compounds.

*Cap: 1.5-3.5 cm in diameter, convex to plano-convex, becoming subcampanulate to broadly convex in age, with or without a sharp papilla. Surface even to translucent-striate near the margin, viscid when moist from a thick separable gelatinous pellicle. Pale reddish brown to honey to ochraceous, hygrophanous, fading in drying to yellowish olive to ochraceous or yellowish buff. Flesh whitish to honey coloured, bruising bluish where injured.
*Gills: Adnate-emarginate, moderately distant, ventricose, whitish clay at first, eventually dark reddish brown with olivaceous hue, white fimbriate, not edge.
*Spore Print: Dark purple-brown
*Stem: 2-9 cm long by (0.5)2-4 mm thick. Cylindrical, flexous, equal to slightly swollen at the base. Whitish at first, soon discoloring yellow to yellow brown from handling,reddish brown or honey brown in age, sometimes with distinctive blue tones at the base. Surface covered with whitish fibrils towards the apex, with a narrow annulus that develops from a thickly cortinate partial veil.
*Odor: Farinaceous
*Taste: Farinaceous
*Microscopic features: Spores (9.5)12.5-15(16) x 6.5-9.5 micrometres, ovoid in front view, ellipsoid in side view, thick walled with a broad germ pore. Basidia 4-spored. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia (15)20-30(35) by (4)6-8(9) micrometres, ventricose-fusiform or lageniform with a narrow neck, often flexuous, 4-15 by 0.5-1.5 micrometres, occasionally branched.

*Habit and distribution Grows saprotrophic, solitary or in small groups on horse or cow dung, in grassy areas or in rich soils, and often fruits in large rings. From September to November, known from Canada (British Columbia and New Brunswick), the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, and Idaho), Chile, Great Britain, and Europe. Widely distributed but not very common.

External Links

* [ fimetaria image]

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