- Jason Furman
Jason Furman (born 1970) is a senior economic adviser to Senator
Barack Obama 's 2008 campaign for President of the United States. [ [http://articles.latimes.com/2008/jun/11/nation/na-furman11 Obama's selection of Jason Furman as economic advisor is criticized - Los Angeles Times] ]Furman served as Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in the Clinton Administration. He is a Visiting Scholar at
New York University 's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. [ [http://wagner.nyu.edu/faculty/facultyDetail.php?whereField=facultyID&whereValue=323 Jason Furman NYU Wagner] ] He has been a visiting lecturer at Columbia and Yale Universities. In addition, he served as a Staff Economist at theCouncil of Economic Advisers , Senior Economic Adviser to the Chief Economist of the World Bank, and Director of Economic Policy for the Kerry-Edwards campaign. Furman has conducted research and policy work on issues that include taxes, health care and Social Security.Furman worked most recently as a budget expert at the
Brookings Institution heading the Hamilton Project, an economic policy research group that develops policy proposals to achieve shared economic growth. [ [http://www.brookings.edu/experts/furmanj.aspx Jason Furman - Brookings Institution] ]Furman received his Ph.D. in economics from
Harvard University . He has worked together with former Clinton Treasury SecretaryRobert Rubin .Furman is often parodied on the
Glenn Beck Program as Obama advisor "Honkey Whitesville," a recurring call-in guest portrayed bySteve Burguiere .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.