Maharashtra Navnirmaaa Sena (MNS)

Maharashtra Navnirmaaa Sena (MNS)

Name = Maharashtra Navnirman Sena
President and Founder= Raj Thackeray
Spokesperson = Shrish Parkar
BMC leader = Rajendra Lad
Foundation = 9 March,2006
headquarters = Mumbai
website = []


MNS believes in Marathi identity irrespective of cast, community and religion. It wants to galvanize the Marathi mind to revive Marathi culture and Marathi language. Hoards of uncontrolled immigration of outsiders into Maharashtra state created insecure future for Maharashtra's Marathi generation. MNS will strive to bring in future security, self identity and dignity to Maharashtra's young and ambitious youth. MNS message is clear and loud to new immigrants in Maharashtra, first respect Marathi culture and language and we will accept you part of Maharashtra.


The party was founded by Raj Thackeray, nephew of Bal Thackeray. Raj Thackeray resigned from his uncle's party in January 2006 and announced his intention to start a new political party. TOn February 10, 2008, MNS workers did symbolic attack on vendors, shopkeepers and taxi drivers from North India in various parts of Maharashtra. This is due to arrogance of these vendors, shopkeepers and taxi drivers experienced by ordinary maharashtrians in day to day life.

The influx from UP and Bihar has created a breed of slum dwellers and slum lords (e.g Abu Aazmi) who use hired gangs from UP and Bihar to threaten local Marathi population. These slums swallowed millions of acres of lands through out Maharashtra which was reserved for Maharashtra's future development. Leaders from these states come regularly to Maharashtra to give fiery speeches and asking these Hindi speaking UPites and Biharis to capture local munciple corporations, Assembly seats to yield power to rule Maharashtra. Ruling Maharashtra governments ignored this developments to prove their allegiance towards New Delhi.

What is meaning of the slogan shouted by leaders from UP and Bihar, "UP, Bihar sirf Zaaki hai Mahrashtra abhi baaki hai(Gaining power in UP and Bihar is just an example , wait and watch till we win in Maharashtra)"?

Key factors behind these agitations:

1. No one wants to leave their hometown and migrate.
2. People from UP and Bihar are migrating for two reasons.
a. There are no job opportunities,
b. There is no civil order or security to life and property.
3. Every area has its own culture and traditions and people from the area want to preserve the same.
4. There is a limit to capacity to absorb migration for any area, if the limit is crossed the migration creates local stresses.
5. Presently every area in Maharashtra including small towns are experiencing tremendous inflow of migrants from other states including UP, Bihar and MP.
6. This migration is putting great strain on local population and has great potential to be exploited by any politician.
7. If any of the external power tries to take advantage, the conditions may get ripe if corrective measures are not taken in time.
8. Solution to this problem is not to oppose MNS but to understand the problem and find the right solutions.
9. Right solution is to establish rule of Law in UP and Bihar which will help to create better employment opportunities.
10.Present breed of politicians from every political party without exception are incompetent to understand complexities of developments.
Key questions to UPites and Biharis:

1. Why is it that even after more than 60 years of the independence , you have to leave your matrubhoomi and go elsewhere to seek a salary of 2500/- to 3000/- ?
2. Why is minimum standard of living not available in UP / BIHAR ?
3. What has happenned to the crores of rupees the central govt. has given to UP/BIHAR?
4. Why does the political parties of UP/BIHAR have not made conditions which guarantee better leaving conditions and income inspite of so many years of 'developemental work in their states and so much money down the drain ?
5. Why do north Indians always end with dadagiri in everything they do or associate with ? Visit any city in UP and Bihar and you will see the live demo of "How to overthrow the law?"
6. Why are more than 65% of criminals caught in Maharashtra are from North Indian ? Recently Lieutenant Governor of Delhi told times of India that North Indian exhibit arrogance in their state too.
7. Has anyone every questioned the Political parties of UP/BIHAR wether they have worked for the upliftment of the poor?
8. Movie theaters are available for "Bhojpuri" movies BUT not for "Marathi" movies?
9. Kerala Media run by people from Kerala, Rajasthan Media run by the locals from there then why Media in
Maharashtra is run by UPites and Biharis?
10. Why Media is in dark when local Ranbir Sena or Maowaadi kills and wipes out village population in Bihar and UP's backword districts?
Media bias:
The Hindi and English media played important role in defaming MNS and Raj Thackeray without properly understanding and misreading his Marathi Speech. They were so pathatic in their video coverage that couple of days they end up showing the video footage of a hawker selling Samosa, beaten by MNS activist that "any one can count how many samosas have fallen from his tokri".
Where as these reporting agencies totally forgotten to pursue the fresh Killings of 15 Biharis in Indian state of Manipur by local Manipuris. There is a deafening silence when ULFA kills the Bihari and UP migrants on regular basis.
There are thousands of Bihari and UP migrants missing in Punjab and Haryana state. Recently police uncovered bodies of migrant workers in Haryana.
Media shows guarded silence when south indian states strictly implements their language policies in their states.
Why Media expects that Marathi people to stay liberal giving way to spread of culture of other states?
Nav Marathi Asmita Geet:

मी मराठी मी मराठी

म्हटलं तर

का पडली इतरांच्या

कपाळावर आठी?.....

दिसलीच पाहीजे सगळया दुकानांवर

मराठी भाषेतली पाटी.....

बसायलाच हवी होती अशी

या दादा लोकांवर मराठीपणाची काठी...

दूर केलीच पाहीजे ही

त्या लोकांची दमदाटी....

आता फुटली आहे मराठीपणाच्या

सहनशीलतेची पाटी...

ही राज नीती खरंच नाही बरं का

मराठी मतांसाठी ..

हा तर खरा आवाज आहे

मराठी अस्तित्वासाठी...

बोलतंय कुणीतरी आता

मराठी माणसासाठी...

राज तर पुकारतोय लढा

मराठीच्या रक्षणासाठी...

पाहा सगळ्या क्षेत्रात काय झाली आहे

मराठी माणसाची गोची...

रोजच्या रोज माणसे येवून येवून

मुंबई भार सहन करेल तरी किती?

मुंबईच काय, ते तर शिरलेत आता

मुळा मुठा नदीच्याही काठी...

द्या सगळे मिळून लढा मराठी मातेच्या

गुदमरलेल्या जीवासाठी ...

Contact Maharashtra Navnirmaan Sena

Feel threatened by non-Maharashtrians or pressurised or know something wrong going against Maharashtrians,Please contact MNS on following Numbers: [ Read Article]

External links

* [ Official Maharashtra Navnirman Sena student wing Website]

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