3. Zmaj

3. Zmaj

"3. Zmaj" is a science fiction society from Rijeka, Croatia. (The name, which means "the third dragon", is a pun based on the name of the largest Croatian shipyard, "3. Maj".) It was founded on May 3, 2005 in Rijeka, Croatia, with some of the founding members being ex-members of "Aurora", a now-defunct science fiction society. The aim of "3. Zmaj" is to promote speculative fiction both as a source of entertaiment and as an artform and to stimulate the creativity and imagination of fans through various events and actions. The society is also responsible for the revival of the sci-fi convention Rikon.


Rikon is a science fiction, fantasy, horror and alternative science convention held in the town of Rijeka. The first convention was held in the first week of October 1997, in the main building of Rijeka's Faculty of Philosophy and was organized by the science-fiction society "Aurora". From 1997 to 2003 Rikon was an annual event.However, due to lack of adequate location and organizational problems, Rikon was not held in 2004.A year later, the science-fiction society "3. zmaj" (whose membership includes ex-members of the now-defunct "Aurora") took it upon itself to organize further conventions.

At Rikon, visitors have an opportunity to participate in organized activities which involve science fiction, horror, fantasy, mythology and history. Rikon is one of four such events held in Croatia, at each of which hundreds of visitors gather from all parts of Croatia and also from the neighbouring countries. The average number of visitors to Rikon is around 300.

Rikon unites culture, entertainment and science and also offers visitors a chance to relax and meet new people. The aim is to promote literature, film, music and art and present science and new scientific discoveries in an attractive way by either experts in the field or science buffs.Fact|date=November 2007 These experts include: dr. sc. Saša Ostojić, mr. sc. Igor Bajšanski, Davor Šišović, Korado Korlević, dr. sc. Amir Muzur, dr. sc. Saša Zelenika and others.

Fanzine Eridan

3. Zmaj publishes a fanzine Eridan which features original literature, art and essays by amateur fantasy, science fiction and horror enthusiasts.Four issues have been published so far.

External links

* [http://www.3zmaj.hr/ Official homepage of the society (in Croatian and partially in English)]

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