Jane Collier

Jane Collier

Jane Collier (1714 -1755) was an English novelist most famous for her book "An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting" (1753). She also collaborated with Sarah Fielding on her only other surviving work "The Cry" (1754).

During her life, she was able to meet and work with many famous writers of her day. In particular, Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding both had a particular interest in her intelligence and in her writing ability.

Personal life

Collier was baptized on the 16th of January 1715 in Wiltshire, the daughter of philosopher and clergyman Reverend Authur Collier, and Margaret Johnson.Collier p. xiii] She had two brothers and one sister. In 1716, their family were forced to move into a less expensive residence in Salisbury to pay debts. It was here that her brother Arthur, named after their father, studied law and educated his sisters, along with her childhood friend Sarah Fielding, in Greek and Latin language and literature; his manner of education was to prepare the girls to become governesses.Rizzo p. 45]

In 1732, her father died and Jane (17), along with her sister Margaret (15), were left without anyone to provide for them. In 1748, the sisters moved in with their brother Arthur who was living in the Doctors' Commons. During this time, Arthur "quarrelled" with Henry, and it is possible that a split formed between the siblings.Sabor p. 151] A year after, in 1749, her mother died. Soon after, the living arrangements dissolved, and Margaret became the governess to Henry Fielding's daughters and Jane with Samuel Richardson. Richardson was impressed by Collier's education, and wrote to Lady Bradshaigh that Jane was proof "that women may be trusted with Latin and even Greek, and yet not think themselves above their domestic duties." [Richardson Vol. 6 p. 79]

Collier never married, possibly because she could not offer a sufficient dowry, or possibly because, like Sarah Fielding, she hoped to establish an independent living through her writing. [Collier p. xiv] In 1748, Richardson was using Collier as a go between with Sarah Fielding in order to help the two write. [Letter from Collier to Richardson 4 October 1748] [Sabor p. 150] In 1753, she wrote "The Art of Ingeniously Tormenting" with the help of Sarah Fielding and possibly James Harris or Samuel Richardson.Rizzo p. 46] Afterwards, it was Richardson who printed the work. Her final book, "The Cry", was published in 1754, and it was written with significant support of Fielding and the two collaborated on it together.

She died in 1755, just a year after the publication of her second book; after her death, Richardson wrote to Sarah Fielding: "Don't you miss our dear Miss Jenny Collier more and more?-I do." [Richardson Vol. 2 p. 104] Before she died, she planned a sequel to "The Cry", describing it as "A book called "The Laugh" on the same plan as "The Cry". [Collier p. xv] Richardson urged Fielding to revise "The Cry" just two years later.


Collier's "The Art of Ingeniously Tormenting" has been described as the "best-known generic satire written in the eighteenth century by a woman." [Rizzo "Renegotiating" p. 59] She is of the many female 18th-century authors (including Frances Burney, Sarah Fielding, Sarah Scott, and Charlotte Smith) who experimented with "alternative models for relationships, for different ways of regarding others and even for ameliorating society." [Rizzo p. 24]

As a sign of his favor for Collier's style, satiric humor, and classical learning, Henry Fielding wrote in the beginning of an edition of Horace::To Miss Jane Collyer,:This Edition of the best:of all the Roman Poets,:as a Memorial (however poor):of the highest Esteem for:an Understanding more than:Female, mixed with virtues almost:more than human, gives, offers up:and dedicates her Sincere Friend::Henry Fielding [Battesin pp. 392-393] This was one of the last works that Fielding would write because he left that evening on a trip to Lisbon where he died two months later. [Battesin p. 392]

List of Works

* "An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting" (1753). A social satire that was originally published anonymously and sold well, with ten editions being published between 1753 and 1811.
* "" (1754). A complex work describing the struggle of its heroines against the 'spiteful and malicious tongues' of an unprincipled society.



* Battesin, Martin and Battesin, Ruthe. "Henry Fielding: A Life". London: Routledge, 1989.
* Collier, Jane. "An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting". Ed. Katherine Craik. Oxford: Oxford World's Classics, 2006. 111 pp.
* Richardson, Samuel. "Correspondence of Samuel Richardson". (6 Vols) ed. Anne Barbauld, London: Richard Philips, 1804.
* Rizzo, Betty. "Companions Without Vows: Relationships Among Eighteenth-Century British Women". Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1994. 439 pp.
* ----. "Renegotiating the Gothic" in "Revising Women: Eighteenth-Century "Women's Fiction and Social Engagement" edited by Paula Backscheider, 58-103. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. 273 pp.

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