- Irumide Belt
The Irumide Belt is a
Mesoproterozoic terrane of deformed basement and foldedsupracrustal s, which occurs along the southern margin of anArchaean /Palaeoproterozoic unit called theBangweulu Block inZambia .The Irumide Belt comprises deformed
crystalline basement units dated at 2.7 Ga and between 2.05 and 1.93 Ga, unconformably and in places structurally overlain by a supracrustal sequence of shallow water quartzites and pelites, theMuva Supergroup, in which sparsevolcanic tuff s have given ages of between 1.88 and 1.85 Ga. This complex isintruded by limitedgranitoid s at ca. 1.66-1.55 Ga and an extensive suite of syn-orogenic plutonic rock s at between 1.05 and 1.00 Ga.
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