SQUARE methodology

SQUARE methodology

The Software Engineering Institute's CERT Coordination Center Program has developed a methodology to help organizations build security into the early stages of the production life cycle. The Security Quality Requirements Engineering (SQUARE) methodology consists of nine steps that generate a final deliverable of categorized and prioritized security requirements. Although the SQUARE methodology could likely be generalized to any large-scale design project, it was designed for use with information technology systems [ [http://www.cert.org/sse/square.html#research] SQUARE research approach] .

SQUARE is one of the most important recent efforts, in effectively tackling the huge problem of software bugs (security related ones in particular) and its associated economic burden to society [ [http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/n02-10.htm] Economic impact of software errors in the US] , by one of the most active and beneficial information security related organizations in recent years (CERT). SQUARE is listed at DHS Build Security In initative's site [ [https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/daisy/bsi/articles/best-practices/requirements/232-BSI.html] SQUARE entry at BSI's site] .


* [http://www.cert.org/sse/square.html] SQUARE page at CERT

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