- Jaume Safont
Jaume Safont (1420–1487), called Jacme ça Font in contemporary records, was a Catalan poet and notary.
From March 1436 he worked as a
scrivener for the municipal council ofBarcelona , his birthplace, and from July 1440 he worked in thescriptorium of theGeneralitat de Catalunya . In that capacity he wrote the "Dietari de la Generalitat" for the years between 1454 and 1472. The Dietari is a daily record of events political, military, and religious for the use of the Generalitat. Jaume compiled his information for theDiputació del General that covers the years between 1411 and 1478/84; his years are the most detailed and anecdotal. The "Dietari" was edited under the title "Dietari, o, Llibre de jornades de Jaume Safont" by Josep Maria Sans i Travé (Barcelona: Fundació Noguera, 1992).In 1462 Jaume was named
procurator in charge of collecting the imposts known as the "generalitats ". In politics he was a member of the faction known as the Biga and opposed the royal interests ofAlfonso the Magnanimous . When the opponents of the Biga, the Busca, removed theLieutenant of Catalonia ,Galceran de Requesens , and took control of the Barcelonan government in 1456, instituting proctectionist reforms, Jaume records in his Dietari the tension that existed between the Biga-dominated Generalitat and the royally-supported Busca municipal council. During theCatalonian Civil War , he supportedCharles, Prince of Viana , against John II.Bibliography
*"Història de la Generalitat de Catalunya i els seus Presidents". Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2003. ISBN 84 412 0884 0.
*Riquer, Martí de (1964). "Història de la Literatura Catalana", vol. 1. Barcelona: Edicions Ariel.
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