Alcuin Club

Alcuin Club

The Alcuin Club is an Anglican organization devoted to preserving or restoring church ceremony, arrangement, ornament, and practice in an orthodox manner. It was founded in 1897, with its first publication, "English Altars" by W. H. St. John Hope, appearing in 1899. The Club is dedicated to the "Book of Common Prayer" and conformity to its exact rubric. In the 20th century, the Club was active in the debate over the rewriting of the "Book of Common Prayer" for the 1920 revision. Its influence faded somewhat after the first part of the century, and it is now dedicated to studying ceremony of all Christian churches. Nonetheless, the Club's members are active in the liturgical researches of the official Anglican Church. Membership in the Club is now around 600 persons, with half being in the UK and many in the United States.

The Alcuin Club selects works on liturgy and ceremony and hagiography every year to include in its collections. These collections represent significant scholarship.

External links

* [ Official site of the club, with publications]

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