- Bill Ryan (professor)
Bill Ryan Born William James Ryan, on
December 23 ,1955 , inMoncton , (New Brunswick ) is a professor of Social Work atMcGill University inMontréal ,Québec ,Canada . He is an international expert in the field ofsexuality ,sexual education ,homophobia , health and gay men's health. He has conducted research in all these areas, published scientific articles, chapters and edited books. He has spoken at conferences internationally and consulted and trained with many international organizations. [McGill University. (December 4, 2007). "Mr. Bill Ryan, Adjunct Professor." Retrieved September 9, 2008 from http://www.mcgill.ca/socialwork/faculty/ryan/] He is one of the leaders in the international gay men's health movement and has been a driving force behind the transformation ofAction Séro-Zéro in Montréal into a full fledged gay men's health organization. In 1992 he was the founding president of the Board of Directors of Séro-Zéro, which was founded to undertake HIV prevention among HIV negative gay men. He returned to the organization in 2000 and has once again been Chair, since 2004. He is the founder of theCanadian Safe Spaces movement, which, beginning with four sites (Halifax, Moncton, Montréal,Kamloops ), has grown into a movement with dozens of supportive services for youth questionning their sexual orientation. He was founding co-chair of theCanadian Rainbow Health Coalition . In 2006, the Canadian Institutes for Health Reserach, granted funding to a pan-Canadian team, SVR (Sexuality, Vulnerability and Resilience), of which he is co-chair, to study the impacts of homophobia on the health of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and two-spirit Canadians.He is the fourth child of seven siblings.
Ryan lives with his partner in Montreal and has an adopted son.citation |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E04E3D91F3FF936A15755C0A9649C8B63 |title=With a Quebec Law, Equality for Gay Parents |first=Clifford |last=Krauss |date=
June 25 ,2002 |accessdate=2008-08-20 |periodical=The New York Times ]Publications
*HIV/AIDS: [http://rainbowhealth.ca/english/documents.html The Canadian Experience, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1998.]
*Valuing Gay Men's Lives: Reinvigorating HIV Prevention in the Context of Our Health and Wellness
* [http://rainbowhealth.ca/english/documents.html Framing Gay Men's Health in a Population Health Discourse]
*Ryan, B., Brotman, S. & Baradaran, A. (2008) The Color of Queer Health Care: Experiences of Multiple Oppression in the Lives of Queer People of Color In Canada In S. Brotman, J. Josy Levy & Chatrand, E. (eds.) Homosexualités : variations linguistiques et culturelles. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, Coll. Santé et Société.
*Brotman, S., Ryan, B. Collins, S., Chamberland, L., Cormier, R., Julien, D., Meyer, E., Peterkin, A., Richard, B. (2007). Coming Out to Care?: Caregivers of Gay and Lesbian Seniors in Canada. The Gerontologist 47(4), 490-503.
*Ryan, B. & Julllien, D. (2007) Les couples de même sexe et la parentalité in L’Adoption L’état des lieux, St-André, M et M. Carignan (eds), Prisme (46), 214-236. [McGill University. (August 15, 2007). "Publications." Retrieved September 9, 2008 from http://www.mcgill.ca/socialwork/faculty/ryan/publications/]References
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