- Karl Eugen Neumann
Karl Eugen Neumann (
October 18 1865 inVienna ; -October 18 1915 ) was the first translator of large parts of thePali Canon ofBuddhist scriptures from the originalPali into a European language (German) and one of the pioneers of EuropeanBuddhism .When Neumann was born, his father, Angelo Neumann, was a tenor at the Vienna Court Opera. His mother Pauline née Mihalovits was the daughter of a Hungarian noble family.He received higher education in Leipzig, where his father had become manager of the Leipzig City Theatre in 1876. Soon after starting a banker’s career inBerlin in 1882, Neumann came across the works ofArthur Schopenhauer . From 1884 he became absorbed in philosophical works and showed great interest for the Indian sources that had inspired Schopenhauer. He turned his back on banking and started to attend a college in Prague. By 1887 Neumann was back in Berlin, studying Indology, Religion and Philosophy at he university there.Soon after his marriage to Camilla née Nordmann from Vienna, Neumann moved to Halle and in 1891 he finished his thesis on a Pali text. In the same year he published: „Two buddhist Sutta and a treatise of
Meister Eckhart “. In 1892, after returning to Vienna Neumann published an anthology of texts from the Palicanon in German on the occasion of Schopenhauer’s 104th birthday. Having finished a translation of theDhammapada in 1893 Neumann realized his great desire to visit the original countries of Buddhism. For a few months he traveled throughIndia andCeylon , meeting members of the sangha, such as the monk Sumangala Maha Thera and Lama Dondamdup. Besides praise for the knowledge and learning of monks, he also found critical words for what he considered an adulteration and watering down of the original teaching of the Buddha. Back in Vienna in 1894 he took up a post at the Oriental Institute as an assistant to the indologist Georg Bühler.Within the next few years Neumann translated and published the
Majjhima Nikaya in three volumes. In 1896 he began a friendship and lively correspondence withGiuseppe De Lorenzo (1871-1957) fromBari . De Lorenzo translated Neumann’s works into Italian and thus became one of the pioneers of Italian Buddhism.In 1906 Neumann lost his fortune in a bank crash and even had to sell (temporarily) the highly esteemed Siamese edition of theTipitaka , given to him as a present by the king ofSiam . His financial situation slightly improved through the legacy after his father’s death. In 1907 he published the first volume of theDigha Nikaya with Piper in Munich.In 1915 Neumann died on his 50th birthday in poverty and is buried at Vienna Central Cemetery. His grave, forgotten and neglected for two generations, came to light again by the end of the 20th century and is being attended to by the Buddhists of Vienna.External links
* [http://ken.nibbanam.com/ Karl Eugen Neumann]
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